
I am one of those people.  One of those people who would rather learn how to produce a product than to just go to the store and buy the same thing giving me little to no satisfaction.  I'm a weirdo.  This is why I make soap.

Making soap is a process similar to making choices about life.  It's complicated in the fact you must be very cautious in the basic process of assembling the caustic ingredients.  The directions say to wear eye protection.  In integrating the lye and the oils, (I make olive oil soap for my family), the process becomes very hot so I wear protection and must be very careful in handling the mixture.  If I decide to throw caution to the wind during the process, I can hurt myself and could even hurt someone else in the room by not warning them against getting too close to the pot and cause them to inhale the fumes from the lye.

After when mixing to wait upon "tracing" stage, it takes a good amount of patience.  This is why I recommend buying a hand mixer for this phase.  It takes a steady hand and staying power.  Once trace happens, it's a relief to be able to move on to adding color and scent.  This is my favorite part because of my preferences of beauty and bouquet.

Some people like fancy soaps in different shapes and blends of color.  Because my husband and I make soap for typical use, being to wash our hands and to use in the shower, I usually create utilitarian bars in massive quantity.  However, when making a choice for scent, this is where I like to be creative.  Eucalyptus and lavender are my number one choice.  Sometimes I even get a bit radical and go for tea tree oil.

Soap has to sit about for a week or two if you prefer a mild caustic in your soap.  Not us.  We add a bit more where we can get to using it right away, like within a few days.  This is my choice.

Making a choice of what you prefer is a personal decision. 

This is fine.

I find that being a producer at heart, I must take into consideration how my decisions will affect others.  In making those decisions, I must use a healthy amount of caution.  If I have to consider all of the factors, I must use patience.   To make a satisfying choice, I can express myself with my artistic ability.  When making those preferences, I can consult quality control.

Give it a try. 

Produce something.  Even if it's a artsy project or something more mechanical. 

But when you embark on a project, consider the decisions you have to make in the process.

And if you don't mind taking off a good portion of your first layer of skin when you wash your hands, I'll give you a bar.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Producer