Sixteen years and still discussing courthouse

Dear Editor,

My wife and I moved to Santa Rosa County in 1998. The major subject of discussion was a new courthouse. It is July, 2014 and we’re still talking about a new courthouse or should I say, the county commissioners are still deciding about where to build a new courthouse. It has reached the point they seem to be unable to come to any consensus about where to build and have decided to put the matter on the upcoming ballot and make the public decide. If this is the case and it seems to be, why do we have county commissioners? Sixteen years have passed and we are no closer to having a new courthouse than when we moved to this area. If the voting public must decide such issues, why not disband the county commissioners and just let the voting public make all the decisions? I’m sure whatever decision is made, it will not be satisfactory to everyone.

Jimmy Blackmon


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Sixteen years and still discussing courthouse