Government involvement in homicide is a political pony show

Dear Editor,

     Barack Obama is sending the United States Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri to investigate the Michael Brown shooting. The last time Obama and Holder did this little trick was with a special prosecutor for the George Zimmerman (hispanic portrayed as white), Trayvon Martin shooting which showed a predigest regarding that case. Now Barack stated he must do this without tilting the scale of justice, yet the investigation is not finished. The Dept. of Justice, Eric Holder, did not want the security video released of Michael Brown's strong arm robbery and assault of a convenience store worker/owner just minutes before the shooting. That is a perpetually changing stance in regards to the law to suit their situation and the outcome so how is this not tipping the scales of justice as was tried with the Zimmerman-Martin shooting? Witness testimony brought the truth (self defense) of the case out in court, but if the law, not political stance, had of been followed in the first place the cost of a trial would not of been placed on the back of tax payers and a innocent man and his family. Not having a trial would not satisfy some of the public's opinion or the protesters doing the protesting because the truth was never their goal. Being a lynch mob was their goal. All homicide cases take a reasonable amount of time to process the scene for the truth. It is not a half hour or hour TV show.

     All of this government involvement is nothing more than a political pony show for the liberal left. It deflects the news cycle of the media from a current scandal to the next topic. If the president and the liberal left truly wanted the truth to be brought into public view they would start with the shooting of Miriam Carey, 34, of Stamford, Conn. at the capital building. She was a black female dental hygienist with a 1 yr. old child in the back seat. I have yet to see or hear about any type of shooting investigation of the White House police or any other government agency involved. Why? Because it doesn't fit the whites killing black males agenda of the liberal left and the story was too close to the president, a liberal left, and offers nothing more than bad publicity. This story came and went faster than any story of its type leaving many questions to go unanswered by the agencies involved. No protests, no Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, no race baiting, no nothing, just gone from view. Read some of the known facts on this shooting, it is alarming.

Steven M. King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Government involvement in homicide is a political pony show