Another election is needed for courthouse issue

Dear Editor,

How can Milton be declared the voter’s choice for a new courthouse? The ballot had a split vote for those of us not wanting the courthouse to be built in Milton but no split vote for the location in Milton. That clearly shows the vote for Milton would have to exceed the votes for not building there and that did not happen. The results showed 41,658 votes for the courthouse with 17,437 voting for Milton and 24,221 voting not to build it there. For this to be a fair vote, a run off election needs to be held now with Milton and East Milton as the choices. For probably 20 plus years now we have been saying we have to build a new courthouse and thousands of dollars have been spent doing studies, surveys and to make additions and repairs to the old courthouse. Stop wasting our money. You can pretty well bet either a sales tax increase, (where everyone that buys in our county will pay), or a property tax increase, (where only property owners will pay), will be chosen. So, hold an election now where the vote is fair for the location and also give the voters a choice of paying for the courthouse by either a sales tax or a property tax increase. You will never please all of the voters but at least give us a fair vote and please quit delaying this issue.

Bill Mankler


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Another election is needed for courthouse issue