Speak Out December 27

Saturday 6:40 p.m.

Yes, this is Nita. Now, everyone’s griping about the commissioners. Guess what. Someone voted them in. It sure wasn’t me. Not one of them got my vote. Thank you.

Saturday 6:56 p.m.

This is Kenneth. I think this ECUA trash pickup deal the county commissioners made stinks to high Heaven. It caused many jobs to be lost in Santa Rosa County and put some trash pickup businesses out of business. I don’t understand who is going to gain by this. The only thing I can conclude is the county commissioners are the only ones  that can gain. I think the Florida Attorney General should investigate. Look in the personal finances of the county commissioners. Look into the personal property increase of the county commissioners. Look into the campaign funds, the illegal contributions to the county commissioners. Something has fueled this situation. Is the collard’s pot being fueled again as happened in Escambia County a number of years ago?  I thank you and I think we had really ought to have somebody look into what caused this situation costing many jobs in this county. Thank you.

Sunday 6:27 p.m.

I totally agree with the writers who disagree with the commissioners who have stuck ECUA down our throats. I was perfectly happy with my server I had before. Now I am paying $3 more for garbage pickup, for the same pickup I was getting already. I am mad as heck about it.

Monday 7:44 p.m.

Hi, this is Dawn from Milton and this is a first call from me so I decided to call and speak out because I think it’s really silly that people would refer to a change in garbage service as communist or socialist. Honestly, if the garbage is getting picked up, who cares who’s picking it up? If the price is the same as before, what’s the big deal? And honestly, if you have that much of a problem with it, take it to the dump yourself because you have that option. And also to someone who said that they’re not impressed with your mini paper. Well, okay, get a new mini paper. That’s why this one is called a mini paper and I think it serves a pretty good purpose and gives us enough information. So, thanks for all you do Santa Rosa Press Gazette, and for those who seem that worried about their trash collection, think again. There are more important things to worry about this time of year. Thanks. Bye.

Tuesday 8:01 a.m.

Yes this is Mary a concerned senior citizen. I want to say something about that man that killed the two policemen. He’s not mentally ill. He knew how to load that gun  He knew how to get the bullets. Even though he had a problem, he was well aware what he was doing. He went up; he knew who the policemen were. He shot them. He’s guilty of murder. He doesn’t need to get off on a plea of insanity. He needs to pay for his crime. If every murderer claimed to be insane then we wouldn’t have any place in the prisons for anybody. So I think people need to stop calling him insane and call him a terrorist. I believe he was a Muslim. I think he needs to be charged just like he is. He doesn’t need to get off with that plea. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 27