Comments on recent happenings

Dear Editor,

Some comments on recent happenings: 1. On the courthouse I voted for the downtown location, planned to vote for the tax funding it until the last minute when I heard the commissioners could put it wherever they wanted no matter what so I voted no. Was it true they could have? What a shame. We almost had the much needed courthouse defeating the special interests who wanted it elsewhere. The county seat location was the least expensive, too. Campbell’s Letter to the Editor in the SRPG published on October 29 was right on, albeit late. 2. An 18 year old university student is now a West Virginia Legislator. Wow! Her platform? Biblical issues, Hallelujah! The Holy Spirit arranged that, warning America to return to God.  “The nations that forget God will be turned into Hell.” It’s not too late. President Obama should abandon his arrogant threats to use executive orders continuing his unilateral MO (modus operandi), promoting socialism. Americans reject Obama’s keeping America chaotic. He must cooperate with Congress. It might reverse the fact he’s been our most leftist president ever. 3. Our president didn’t lift a finger to help our marine incarcerated in the Mexican prison for 214 days. Some lobbied for him. Thank God for Montel Williams. The marine’s sudden release startled the administration. God did it. The Almighty answered the effectual, fervent prayers of His people. God bless us all as only He can. Maranantha!

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Comments on recent happenings