Volunteer for 29th Annual International Coastal Cleanup

Santa Rosa County residents are welcome to help “The Ocean Conservancy” protect our oceans and beaches by participating in the 29th Annual International Coastal Cleanup at Navarre Beach, September 20 and 27th at 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Trash doesn’t fall from the sky; it falls from human hands, and human hands have the power to stop it. You, your friends, family and colleagues will make a difference through this remarkable experience of international camaraderie on behalf of the world’s oceans and beaches.

A Santa Rosa Clean Community representative will be on hand both Saturday mornings to provide assistance, trash bags, and water. A dumpster will also be available, provided by Waste Pro, both weekends. Wear a hat, suitable clothing, footwear, sunglasses and sunscreen. Meet us at the pavilion next to the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier at 7:30 a.m., or choose your own body of water, river, or stream to cleanup.

For more information visit: http://www.srclean.org or www.oceanconservancy.org/

To schedule your group for an alternate date, call Santa Rosa Clean Community at 623-1930, the Navarre coordinator at 939-6973, or Email to: director@srclean.org.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Volunteer for 29th Annual International Coastal Cleanup