Kiss your mom today

Who can find a happy home keeper?

This is a subject I’ve thought over many times and I know for certain being a stay-at-home wife and mother can plague women who chose not to work outside the home.

I did it. It was an easy decision for me as my own dear mother was home with my brother and me. As far back as I can remember, she was happy taking care of us and I had a very happy childhood. When it came time to make the decision, there was no other choice for me.

I homeschooled my children, and took care of my home for the majority of my adult life. That time may be over, but I must admit, sometimes I yearn for those days; to have my three little girls gathered around me day in and day out. Be that as it may, I must satisfy my maternal yearnings with time with my little granddaughter. It is time well spent.

However,  while I was at home, when asked about my employment by others I didn’t know, out of habit I would lower my head and say sheepishly, ‘I stay home.’ The truth of the matter is this: on top of taking care of three young girls, I was a freelance writer (to keep my writing skills from dying). I also kept a prayer journal and became a blogger. I also began my own business and sold it for a profit two years later. Getting back on track…I have always viewed myself as wife, mother, and writer.

As a young mother, I watched my friends and began a mental comparison of their lifestyles and parenting choices in relation to mine. Other home keepers made it look easy. I could never reach their greatness. Their children always had clean faces and never threw temper tantrums in the car. They were always prepared for every dire circumstance. On top of this, my friends always had their laundry clean and put away. I felt inept at every turn.

It took a while, but I finally realized this viewpoint was only adding stress to my life by focusing on my faults instead of allowing the strength of my friends to be an inspiration. I have to give God credit for turning it around for me. After reading in Proverbs 31 about the most virtuous woman ever, it gave me perspective. She is busy. She teaches her children, she works with her hands and makes things happen. The sky is the limit. She takes the gifts and talents God gave her and utilizes them while she’s keeping her children and her husband’s life meaningful by keeping the heart of the home beating.

It isn't easy for someone who doesn’t receive daily ‘atta-boys’ from their boss to understand they’re achieving greatness by rearing our future society. They truly will not see the fruit of their labor for twenty years. To all of our home keepers…don’t apologize for the dirty, stressful, but rewarding job you’re performing. It’s the greatest gift you can give our neighborhood.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Kiss your mom today