The public is invited to visit the Milton Cemetery booth at the local Scratch Ankle event, March 14, held on North Willing Street in downtown Milton, from 4:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Bill Bledsoe, cemetery manager, said the purpose is to raise money for the maintenance of the historical burial ground. There will be pictures on display, a brochure, and a popular “Mayeaux-created” basket to be raffled off, plus two afghans created by Board member Mrs. Raffaele. Pre-event raffle tickets are now available: $1.00 per, or six for $5.00. Call 686-1122 to purchase now, or mail your order to the address given below. Bledsoe hopes the booth will bring in the needed money to replace the broken plaque on the front of the bronze Warrior monument. To cast it in bronze, Sculptor Roxie Platt has offered to donate her services for casting.
Bledsoe says be sure to visit the booth at Scratch Ankle. For information, call 686-1122.
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton Cemetery booth at Scratch Ankle