Committee findings make sense

Dear Editor,

Although I’ve frequently voiced my opinion on the new Santa Rosa County courthouse, I’ve never done it in writing. Like many, I advocate it be in downtown Milton. Without having read the study group position paper of the special committee appointed by the mayor in his capacity as chair of the city’s Downtown Community Redevelopment Board, I’m still in favor thereof. Having just read the position paper, I’m convinced it confirms downtown is the best selection. It will become a reality if the powers that be quit hashing it over and get on with it. Let’s work together to compete a totally functional edifice, an asset of which all can be proud. Parking will be no problem. Until kingdom-come parking will be tough anywhere and everywhere. We’ve always overcome, though aggravated occasionally, and been content in whatever state we’ve found ourselves. Patience, a virtue, is also a fruit of the Spirit.

Speaking of the Spirit, all involved in completing the project needs to be reminded if they’re having difficulty, they need to ask God for wisdom in how to do it. He gives liberally to all who acknowledge the One mightier than man. God is willing and able to help all who lean not to their own understanding, who recognize their limitations while desiring to execute their God-given gifts and abilities to handle the crisis of life. Kicked around for years, the courthouse issue is solvable, despite minor differences among all involved. While volunteering at Scratch Ankle, I obtained a schematic whose feasibility impressed me. Building an elevated courthouse would appease those concerned about flooding. Thank you, Mayor, for appointing the special research committee which did a great job.

God bless us all as only He can with wisdom in this serious matter.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Committee findings make sense