Disagreement over tattoo leads to home invasion

 Two young mean were arrested in Pace Wednesday night for assault and burglary after they walked into a house and refused to leave, eventually pulling a knife and attempting to kick a door in, according to Sheriff's officials. 

Robert Stautamire, 20, and a 16-year-old male were arrested for aggravated assault with a weapon and armed burglary after a confrontation on Kentwood Drive, Pace around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The ordeal began when the pair wanted to talk about an agreement to have tattoo work done. According to reports, Stautamire and the juvenile entered the house through an unlocked door and were asked to leave by the residents several times.

The two came to the house to talk about an agreement that was made for Stautamire and the juvenile to get tattoos by one of the household members, according to reports. Stautamire and the juvenile told officers they gave the money for tattoos that were never done.

After confronting the household members, the argument continued outside, which is when Stautamire and the juvenile brandished knives toward one of the residents, according to reports.

The victims then allegedly ran back into the home and locked the door and Stautamire and the 16-year-old attempted to kick in the front door.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Disagreement over tattoo leads to home invasion