Woman faces life in prison for burglarizing ex's house to tase him

A 31-year-old woman who broke into her ex-husband's home in Pace last year, waiting until he arrived home from work to attack him with a taser and a pellet gun, was convicted guilty by a Santa Rosa County jury last week, according to the State Attorney's Office.

Tabitha Lewis, of the 12,000 block of Scenic Highway in Pensacola, was convicted of burglary of a dwelling with assault, assault, criminal mischief and violation of a domestic violation injunction by a jury of her peers.

Lewis broke into her ex-husbands home July 19, 2012 and attacked him when he got home. She tried to tase her former husband, but he managed to escape, calling 911.

Deputies arrived to find Lewis had been subdued by her ex. Upon investigation, deputies found a broken window in a bedroom where Lewis had entered the domicile. They collected the taser and the pellet gun for evidence.

Earlier this year in June, another Santa Rosa County convicted Lewis of Forgery. Lewis attempted to forge the signature of Circuit Judge John Miller on a document, according to the State Attorney's Office.

She faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Woman faces life in prison for burglarizing ex's house to tase him