Shiver Reunion April 13 in Pensacola

The Shiver Family Reunion will be held on Saturday, April 13 at the Blue Angel Recreation Area, Pensacola. All descendants of John William Shiver and Hannah Clemmons Shiver are welcome.

The reunion will start at 10 a.m., food will be served at 12:30 p.m., a short meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. and visitation for the rest of the day until late evening.

Please bring a covered dish of your choice. There will be a place to keep foods that need to stay cool. There will be plenty of entertainment for everyone, beachfront, volleyball, children's playground, fishing and swimming. Dress comfortable for the beach.

There will be an admission fee of $2 per car at the gate as you enter the park.

We would like for you and your family to join us. This will be our third year of the reunion. It will be a yearly event, same place and always the second Saturday of April. Be sure to bring picture and information of your family to share with other members who want to find out about our people and how they came to America including John William Shiver and Hannah Clemmons Shiver who had eight children; Jacob Shiver, wife Darcus; William Shiver, wife Milley; Sarah Shiver, husband Bryant Eugene Spradley; Abraham Shiver, wife Martha; John Shiver, wife Lydia Peacock; Elizabeth Shiver; Daniel Shiver, wife Menty; and James Shiver, wife Elizabeth.

If you have questions any of the following: Bert Shiver Johnson at 903-854-4161; Johnette Shiver Sims 458-9366; or Col. Eustice and Judy Shiver 994-3880 .

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Shiver Reunion April 13 in Pensacola