Overheard Online – Jan. 5, 2013


One of our photographers, Lynne Hough, took this photo at the Milton Cemetery after a large tree fell on some graves. What appears to be a large round orb appears in this photo. This photo has not been altered in any way… What do you think? Spiritual Orb? Sunlight on the lens? A spot of water? Let us know!

Its light reflectivity. Allison Milam-Wallace

It’s called lens flare and it occurs occasionally on daylight photos. You have a staff photographer who doesn’t know lens flare when she sees it? Gerry Swetsky

Wait – wait, I’m begining to “see” something . . . yes, it’s becoming more clear – something about “Christmas Past” – does that mean anything to you? No – wait, it’s now pretty clear – I’m seeing a small spot of dust and the little halo around it means the lens should be cleaned – whew, I’m tired now – got to rest. Jerry C. Cummings

i dont believe its sun or light its orb Red Amanda Phillips

I find it interesting that it is the only surrounding the headstone with the flowers. Whoever that is, there are clearly cared for here. Jo Walter

Sunlight Jeannine Martel Mosely

I think it’s a really cool picture! If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all Sherri Phillips Reed

Sunlight Carla Hawthorne

Spiritual Lisa-Marie Angel

Weird I had a dream about a tree falling last night and the people were still alive that are actually dead Lisa-Marie Angel

Can’t be sunlight in a complete lone circle – not saying it’s an orb, but….maybe dirty lens? Christy Cotton

I have taken pictures of headstones with unknown “orbs” or ribbons around them. People will believe what they want to believe. I believe it is an orb:) Lacey Hartnett

A little spookey to me. Pat Murphy Kent

Its pretty well “Dead” centered, isn’t it? Don McLachlan

The sun is coming in from the left this happens especially with digital. It is still odd because it is so large. Phillip Cohen

Lens is not dirty. Shot about 15 photos. No other photos came out like this – Lynne. Santa Rosa Press Gazette

Definitely an orb Melissa Duke Knight

It’s clearly Slimer from Ghost Busters… anyone can see that! Marsha Fuqua

Has anyone cleaned up where the tree fell??? If not ill clean it up tomorrow!!! Michael B. Morris

Michael, that is very kind of you. Kelly Owens Henrichsen

Ok Ifnod sunlight it should be on all the stones I say it spiritual Tabatha Funderburk

There will be someone out on Monday to clean it up. The Milton Cemetery Manager is always looking for help with upkeep. You can call him at 850-686-1122. Santa Rosa Press Gazette 

Ok.. Just checkin. I clean up every Sunday when I go up there. Thanks. Michael B. Morris

I believe that is a orb…… Patricia Farmer

I don’t believe in sun light. James Jackson

That is a spirited Orb Merrilee Danielle Hess-White

Its a orb! Jean Holland-Hathaway



Im glad my butt stayed home where i was safe and sound Jennifer Diane Jackson

Did both incidents happen at one party or just the same group of kids at two different parties? Jaime DeBord Williams

Oh the wonders of alcohol. When will people learn. So sad as he will never be the same. Phyllis Williams Blazier

sounds like same group at 2 different parties Jaime. Tasha Bogden

It just goes to show … careful who your friends are. Monica French

Wth is wrong with people? Nicci Howington

We had a non- alcoholic celebration at church with NO INJURIES. Anytime you mix excessive alcohol comsumption to a mix of young people someone ends up hurt by way of fights, car wrecks are just falling down. David Stokes Friend of mine,here in Tulsa,OK,asked us to come get her on New Years,when we arrived to pick her up,she chose to stay at the party.Shortly later she ended up in the ER receiving 110stitches to a stab wound in her back-I’m so glad my husband and I are homebodies Tammy Renfro

I’m sure drugs and booze played a factor being where these all happened! Melissa Dixon

The stabbing victim (a family member of mine) is recovering at home. To my knowledge the person who is responsible for his injuries has still not been found by the police but they do know who he is. Miranda Parker

I am not sure. Miranda Parker

”Instant @$#hole” just add alcohol… Cynthia Brennan Diamond

I just talked to Cody’s sister and she said he is stable. And I guess they are waiting to find out about his lungs and they have him on a breathing machine for now. Jenna Pollard Its messed up cuz cody is the type of person that gets along with everyone. i thank god that he is alive and that they caught the guy who did it. Bambi E Sisk

I seen cody today, he is doing better. Responding, & even making jokes. He will be off the breathing machine tomorrow hopefully. Keep the prayers coming for a quick recovery. Miranda Caudell


& this is why I don’t read The Press Gazette. The lady has a blood clot in her brain that they’ve been talking about all day & this is what you come up with? Give it a break already .. Dayna Parrish

LOL Love the Santa Rosa Press Gazette…the only paper worth reading nowadays. Tommie Lyn

Whoa – Santa Rosa Press Gazette, starting to sound like a REAL newspaper . . . way to go!!! Jerry C. Cummings

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Overheard Online – Jan. 5, 2013