Our View – Oct. 6, 2012

For roughly three years, residents have been enduring the work on Avalon Boulevard.

At times, we see glimpses of success, but most of the time we just experience moments of anger and frustration.

Despite all efforts, it seems this project will go on forever.

One company was awarded the bid for a project, which was bided out in three separate phases.

Phase one is almost complete with a new bumpy bridge that has as much banking as Five Flags Speedway. Motorists just started driving on part of phase two where a new bridge is yet to be constructed.

If that isn’t enough, there is the boondoggle of Highway 90 and Avalon Boulevard.

While that project seems to be closer to completion, there are still issues which boggle the mind.

And what is the worst of all of this? The ever-shifting lanes. Many people can’t grasp the concept of holding their lane.

Due to this confusion, there have been traffic accidents and more than a few hand gestures and horn honks.

Individuals have complained to county commissioners, to the Mayor of Milton, and there have been some interesting and colorful comments left on the Speak Out line here at the Press Gazette.

As this project continues, we would like to look at some other projects to see actually how long they took.

Please note, we are not taking into account the different varieties of machinery, which may have been available, or not at each given time.

It took six years (1863 to 1869) to construct the Transcontinental Railroad, which stretched the 1,087 miles from Omaha, Neb. to Sacramento, Calif. We wonder how long it would take to complete that same task today?

By the time we got done with impact studies, hearings, and making sure there were sidewalks and bike trails, a half century could have gone by.

It took five years to build the Hoover Dam. That project had several contractors. It took from 1931 to 1936 to construct the concrete and steel marvel, which, even today, supplies a great deal of power to many western states Standing at roughly 726 feet tall and 1,244 feet wide, this was a construction marvel in its day.

Looking back to the Sistine Chapel we note the creations of Michelangelo.

His first work, which covered roughly 12,000 square feet of the ceiling, took from 1508 to 1512.

His most notable work "The Last Judgment" took from 1535 to 1541.

Could it be we have gotten use to having things finished immediately?

If recollection serves us correctly former Santa Rosa County Commissioner Byrd Maypoles first saw the need to widen and expand Avalon Boulevard.

The project started around 2009.

So maybe in the days of fast food, faster cars, and immediate information we expect everything else to finish in the same fashion.

Then again, maybe it’s just taking too darned long!

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Our View – Oct. 6, 2012