Candy Schoenborn is the manager at Sport Clips in Pace.
Q: What brought you to Santa Rosa County? A: Family and the crew up here.
Q: What fictional character would you say you are the most like? A: Alice in Wonderland (Alice)
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment you now laugh about? A: I sat in gum and didn’t know it.
Q: Name three things you will always have in your refrigerator. A: Eggs, honey mustard and fruit
Q: What would we hear on the radio during a road trip when you started your car or truck? A: Katy Perry and chick music.
Q: What is the last book you read? A: 50 Shades Series
Q: Which would you enjoy more: dinner and a movie, ball game or a good book? A: Ball game then a book
Q: Where would your ideal vacation spot be? A: Mountains in a cabin
Q: Who, living or dead, has been the biggest influence on you, and why? A: My mom. She has tight me to accept myself for who I am and to change the things I don’t like.
Q: What is your greatest personal accomplishment? A: Not sure.
Q: If you could talk to any historical figure over dinner, who would it be and why? A: Marilyn Monroe. She seemed lonely at the end.
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: In the Neighborhood: Candy Schoenborn