Speak Out – Ocotber 17, 2012

If you have a short comment you would like to make, call the Speak Out line at 623-5887. Longer comments are better suited as a letter to the editor.

Sunday, 10:06 a.m. Yeah this is Bobby. I was looking at a ballot for Santa Rosa County. There is a whole lot of judges and supreme court justices with the question if you want to retain them. Please run an article on these people. You don't know if they are liberal or conservative or anything about them. Editor's note: Bobby I understand your concern and we will see what we can do. We do know that judge positions, just like school board positions are non-partisan.

Saturday, 2:48 p.m. This is Ed. I would like to know if they are going to put the doctors of Santa Rosa County out like they had them on the building before it burnt and was torn down along Highway 90. It would be nice if they would put them on one side of a building downtown.

Saturday, 12:13 p.m. W.O. Jones, Jay area. In the Saturday Oct. 13 edition of the Press Gazette there was a story on two speaking out on alleged sex abuse. I know I am not going to get any accolades, but I sent a letter to ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and ESPN about this matter and if there was a statute of limitations. I don't know if Florida has a statue of limitations on allegations of sex abuse. It is just a thought. If a person in Florida knows of a crime committed when they are an adult do they have to report it or is it up to them? This case happened 30 years ago, you would suspect they would say something before now. Editor's note: Mr. Jones, from the information we can gather there is not a statue of limitations on murder and sexual assault involving a minor.

Saturday, 9:33 a.m. Hello this is Bob. I would like to comment on the killing of Osama bin Laden. It was akin in to spiking the football the way it was handled by our president. We knew where he was months before. The way it was handled it was a disgrace to our nation. We knew where he was, but it wasn't announced until our president got the most political benefit. When did we start gunning down unarmed individuals? It shouldn't matter if it was bin Laden. It was also disgraceful the way his body was handled. Any nation would return the body to the family. The way this entire thing was handled was a disgrace to our nation.

Saturday, 8:02 a.m. This is Billy Rogers in Blackwater. I would like to remind all the real sportsmen that bow season come in way too early. All the does have babies and most of them are no more than five pounds. A real sportsman would not kill a doe at this time of the year with babies on the ground and leave the babies to the coyotes. If you do this you are not much of a sportsman.

Friday, 5 p.m. Yeah this is Charlie. I would like to invite the county commissioners to eat at Nichols Seafood or visit Martial Arts of America, Ken's Paint and Body or Victory Baptist Church. When you do I want you to drive through the center entrance to this service road and see if it doesn't tear the suspension out from under your vehicle. If you lived here or had to drive this every day the entrance would not be in this shape. I hate the state of Florida and Santa Rosa County because of this bull.

Friday, 4:36 p.m. This is Mary a senior citizen and I watched the Vice Presidential Debate last night. I saw a young man, (Paul) Ryan, hold his composure and was responsible and knowledgeable. I saw an older man, Vice President (Joe) Biden, who should have known better than the way he acted. He interrupted the young man many times. He laughed at him, mocked him and made a fool of himself. I have never seen anything like this before. He should of let him speak, even if he didn't agree. There is such a thing as respect for each other. Ryan showed a lot of character and that said a lot to me.

Friday, 7:37 a.m. Hello this is Tim. Everything goes up but your paycheck. Bye.

Thursday, 9:35 p.m. Yes this is Chet. I just watched the Vice Presidential Debate and (Paul) Ryan and (Joe) Biden were very courteous and had some salient points. I thought the debate was very civilized and both were focused on the issues because they care about America. It looks like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Pat Robertson, who have divided this country, will be out of business. Praise the Lord. Bye.

Thursday, 9:22 a.m. Hi this is Phyllis. This is to the person at Texas Roadhouse or Big Lots who damaged our truck last weekend and didn't even bother to leave a note. You have cost us a great deal of money. I don't know how you can live with yourself. You should really be ashamed of yourself.  

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out – Ocotber 17, 2012