In the Neighborhood: Trish Davis

Trish Davis

Trish Davis is the chief nursing officer at Santa Rosa Medical Center managing all of the clinical nursing departments as well as respiratory care. Davis has also recently been asked to serve on the board at Covenant Hospice.

What brought you to Santa Rosa County? I grew up in the Ft. Walton Beach/Destin area. I began my college years in Mobile, Ala. at University of South. Alabama, met my future husband and got married there and moved with him to Auburn, Ala. where I finished nursing school. My husband’s family is from Mobile. Mine still live in Destin. We wanted to settle close enough but far enough away from both families, so we picked Santa Rosa County!

If you had the power of a super hero, what power would that be and why? As corny as it may sound, I have always wished to be able to see into someone’s soul and know their dreams so that I could make them come true.

What did you want to be growing up and why? Growing up I thought the coolest job in the world would be to work one of those rides at the fair…everyone is always happy and having so much fun! Boy has that idea changed!

Name three things you will always have in your refrigerator? Milk, Mayo, and coffee creamer!

What would we hear on the radio of your car/truck during a road trip? Depends if I am the driver… If driving it will be contemporary Christian music or some country. If not driving, nothing because I love to read.

What was the last book you read? I am reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson…great book, I highly recommend!

What is your favorite food and why? Unfortunately, any food is my favorite food…I love to try new places and new things, I think they call us “foodies”…

Where would your ideal vacation spot be? My husband and I own a cabin in the Georgia Mountains. I don’t get to go there a lot especially in my new role, but that is my favorite place.

Who, living or dead, has been the biggest influence on you, and why? My mother-in-law who has recently passed away has been a huge influence in my life. She is the strongest, most loving woman I know. She was an excellent mother and wife. She told me how to make lemonade out of lemons…she battled with cancer for 7 years and never got angry or lost her faith…I want to be that kind of woman!

What household chore do you hate and why? Dusting, no matter how hard you try it always comes back with friends…never seems to end!

If you could talk to any historical figure over dinner, who would it be and why? Jesus Christ because he has such a fascinating way of telling a story and teaching a lesson…

If you had $50,000 to spend, what would you do with the money and why? You cannot say to pay off a bill. I would love to be a part of a missionary project. I have never had the desire or the calling to go to a foreign mission field but I am of the belief that those that are blessed financially are blessed in order to be a blessing to others. To whom much is given, much is required…

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: In the Neighborhood: Trish Davis