Clinton emails a security risk

Dear Editor,

The Secretary of State position is forth in line for the presidency. The job curtails dealing with foreign governments around the world. In doing this job one must stay in contact with government leaders and departments with real time speed, such as the internet offers. This form of communication must be protected for security reasons. Our government leaders use a .gov email system that offers this protection and is mandated by government to be used for security and historical purposes.

     Now if you are in the position of Secretary of State, you will have to send and receive all types of classified material via email, it is just part of the job. So not having a .gov email address by your own choosing is a security risk because others in government have no choice but to send classified material via a unsecure route of communication. Does Hillary's convenience for private emails overrule the security of our nation? Is her privacy more important than our nation's security? Does Hillary really understand what a top secret government document looks like or understand the words within that document that are used to classify it top secret? Do you think China and Russia can make those distinctions? If you are not willing to do what it takes for a high level government job, why would you lobby for such a job? Money, prestige, a higher office might be the answer, but if she can't do a lower level job what makes you think she can do a higher level job?  Her personal email server was wiped clean of emails according to the FBI. Any chance the Clinton's are covering their tracks for a pay-to-play system for which other governments and organizations paid for Clinton speeches and donated to the "Clinton Foundation" otherwise known as the "Bill and Hillary, America for Sale Fund" for a favorable outcome in our government's decisions.   

     Eight years in office at $400,000 a year for $3.2 million with the American tax payer paying almost all their costs of living expenses, then being flat broke upon leaving office, and she wants to help manage our nation's finances. The Clinton's giving to charity since 2007 consists of $200,000 to other charities and $14.8 million to their own Clinton Foundation while taking a large tax deduction for donating to themselves. We should all have a charity under the tax laws for self donations and then tax deductions. Also the Clinton Foundation pays out .12 cents of every dollar collected to needy projects. That other .88 cents of every dollar collected stays with the Clinton Foundation for so called expenses being salaries, travel, etc. The American people had to force the American Red Cross to give all the money collected for 9/11 victim's families to the families and you wonder what happened to the money donated for Haiti's relief and rebuilding after the earth quake. The Clintons and Democrats say they are just regular people like everyone else, a do as we say not as we do above the rules and laws type of regular people. With today's society I am beginning to believe that. This is not charity or good morality.

Steven King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Clinton emails a security risk