FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



Officer Jackson participated in two public outreach events.  The Back to School Bash at LiveOakBaptistChurch in New Hope had approximately 250 attendees and she distributed pamphlets, answered questions and introduced the public to a small alligator.  The Orange Hill Express Feed Store in Chipley held a quality deer management seminar with approximately 25 people attending, where she answered questions about the deer hunting antler rule changes, deer units, and how the changes are in place to increase the quality outdoor experience and deer quality.


Officer Gore was on water patrol when he observed a commercial crabber working their trap line.  Officer Gore followed shortly afterward and pulled eleven of the traps the crabber just emptied and re-baited.  Each trap was found to have an improper sized buoys, which had illegible numbers and no color.  The traps were found to have each escape ring blocked, no biodegradable panel and improper trap ID markings.  An inspection of the crabber’s vessel found several boating safety issues that had been addressed earlier in the year with written warnings, but as of yet, hadn’t been corrected by the commercial fisher.  Two citations were issued for the illegal traps and written warnings issued for the boating safety problems.       


Officer Cushing was dispatched to a search and rescue late Saturday night in PerdidoBay.  It was reported that two inexperienced adults (Father and Son) launched a 17’ Hobie Cat from a vacant lot on the north side of PerdidoBay around 1700 and had not returned.  Officer Cushing drove his patrol boat approximately twenty miles to get to the area.  Within seconds of his patrol boat settling in the water Officer Cushing could hear persons yelling for help.  Officer Cushing moved toward the voices and found both subjects in good condition sitting on top of the capsized vessel in the middle of PerdidoBay, approximately 200 yards from where he began his search.

Officer Cushing was working in Bayou Texar in the early hours of Sunday morning.  He conducted a marine fisheries inspection at Bayou Texar Boat Ramp of a vessel returning from a fishing a trip.  When asked if the subject had any fish he stated that he had some “trout” and “red fish”.  Officer Cushing asked him how many he had and he stated that he had yesterdays and todays bag limit.  The subject was in possession of five red fish and one speckled trout.  He was issued a citation for being over the bag limit.


Officer Barnard wrapped up an investigation regarding a boat that was dumped in the Yellow River.  The boat turned up just down river from a primitive boat launch near Log Lake Landing.  The registration numbers were removed, but Officer Barnard was able to determine them from the adhesive.  He located the last registered owner just a few miles away.  The owner had the trailer in his yard, but claimed that he gave the boat to a scrapper.  The man could not provide any valid contact information for the man, and witness accounts did not match his story.  The man removed the boat from the river, but claimed that the scrap man he gave the boat to must have dumped it.  However, all of the motor and stern drive, along with various other pieces of aluminum and stainless steel were still attached to the boat.  Officer Barnard obtained a warrant and the man was booked on the charge of littering.


Officers Pifer and Molnar assisted Special Agents from the Florida Department of Business Professional Regulation’s Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (ABT) with a three week detail targeting the illegal sale of alcohol beverages on CrabIsland.  The Officers and Agents worked in plain cloths and attempted to purchase alcohol beverages from several food establishments on CrabIsland.  During the course of the detail, one establishment provided alcohol beverage to a minor working for ABT.  The Officers and Agents requested assistance from Officers Maltais and Corbin to provide a uniform presence during the take down.  While ABT Agents addressed the alcohol violation, Officer Molnar conducted a livery inspection which revealed multiple violations.  The individual who provided alcohol to the undercover minor was determined to have an active warrant out of OkaloosaCounty for violation of probation.  The individual was placed under arrest by Officer Corbin for the warrant and was issued a notice to appear from ABT for the alcohol violation.  Charges for the livery violations will be direct filed with the State Attorney’s Office.

Officer Pifer was on vessel patrol conducting boating safety/fisheries inspections in the Santa Rosa Sound.  During an inspection of a vessel, he located an out of season and undersized red snapper and an undersized gray/mangrove snapper on board.  The red snapper measured 13 inches in total length.  The legal size is 16 inches or greater.  The gray snapper measured 9 inches in total length.  The legal is 10 inches or greater.  Two individuals claimed possession of the fish and were cited for the violations.

Later that evening, Officer Pifer stopped a vessel in the DestinPass to conduct a saltwater fisheries inspection.  During the inspection of one of the vessels live wells, one individual placed his foot in the live well while opening the hatch in an attempt to conceal what was inside.  Officer Pifer observed a red drum inside and asked the individual to pull the fish out for inspection.  Officer Pifer determined that the red drum was oversized, measuring 30 ¾ in total length. The legal slot size is 18 inches to 27 inches in total length. The individual was cited for the violation.

While heading home, Officer Pifer made contact with two individuals fishing from shore.  A fisheries inspection of a white five gallon bucket revealed an extremely undersized red drum, three undersized gray/mangrove snapper, and one undersized flounder.  The red drum measured 9 inches, the gray snapper measured 9.5 inches and the flounder measured 11.5 inches.  Citations were issued for undersized red drum and undersized gray/mangrove snapper and warnings were issued for undersized flounder and saltwater license violations.

Officer Pifer was conducting fisheries inspections at the Okaloosa Fishing Pier when he made contact with an individual who had been fishing.   In plain view in the individual’s white bucket were three small spanish mackerel that Officer Pifer determined to be undersized.  The spanish mackerel measured 11.5 inches, 11.25 inches and 11 inches in fork length.  The legal size is 12 inches or greater.  The individual was cited for the violation.

Officers Pifer and Molnar responded to RockyBayouState Park in reference to three subjects panhandling inside the park.  The Officers located the subject’s camp site. Officer Molnar noticed in plain view a glass smoking device on a picnic table.  Upon further inspection, it contained cannabis residue inside it and one of the subjects admitted to smoking cannabis in it moments before FWC arrival.  After obtaining verbal consent to search two separate bags, five more smoking devices were located. Two of which were commonly used to smoke crack cocaine, two were commonly used to smoke meth and another of which was used to smoke cannabis. It was determined that all six pipes belonged to one of the subjects and he was not a resident of Florida. He was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and transported to the Okaloosa County Jail.

Officer Molnar was on vessel patrol conducting boating safety inspections on CrabIsland.  Officer Molnar stopped a personal watercraft (PWC) to conduct a boating safety inspection.  The Officer observed the operator operating the PWC in an erratic manner within an idle speed zone.  Once contact was made, the operator was showing multiple signs of impairment.  When asked, the subject agreed to perform field sobriety tasks and boarded the officers’ vessel.  After the first task was complete, the subject refused to continue with the additional tasks.  At that point, the subject was placed under arrest for boating under the influence (B.U.I.) and transported to the Coast Guard Station for processing.   The individual was read the implied consent and refused to provide a sample of his breath. He was transported to the Okaloosa County Jail for boating under the influence and refusal to sign citations. He was issued citations for refusal to submit (1st Offense) and failure to display vessel registration certificate.



Officers Rutherford and Krynicki were patrolling an area of Palm Bay known as “The Compound,” due to increased complaints of poaching in the area. While setting up their positions, the officers witnessed a male on a dirt bike driving recklessly. As the officers continued to scout out potential problem areas, the dirt biker continued to drive in a reckless manner by lifting the front wheel off the ground, swerving all over the road, and driving at a high rate of speed. Officer Krynicki attempted to perform a traffic stop on the dirt bike. Once the rider observed the blue lights he fled at a high rate of speed. Due to the dangerous conditions, Officer Krynicki did not continue the pursuit. Shortly after, the officers were flagged down by an individual jogging who provided the officers the identity of the rider of the dirt bike. A check through dispatch revealed that the individual riding the dirt bike was wanted for violation of probation in reference to reckless driving. The officers then went to the subject’s house nearby and waited for him to return. While waiting, the subject noticed one of the patrol vehicles and fled again. The following day, Officer Lightsey was able to convince the subject to turn himself in for the warrant, and the appropriate charges were filed for the previous day’s violations.

Lieutenant Urban was dispatched to the area of the MaxBrewerBridge in Titusville in reference to a complaint of a male keeping undersized sheepshead. Lieutenant Urban responded and made contact with the individual and conducted a resource inspection which revealed two undersized sheepshead. A check of the database revealed the individual had been cited in the past for keeping undersized fish. Lieutenant Urban issued the subject a misdemeanor citation for the violation.



Officer Acevedo was dispatched to an area lake after receiving a complaint from the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office in reference to an individual attempting to take and or possess an American alligator. Officer Acevedo arrived on the scene and examined all evidence. Officer Acevedo established that sufficient probable cause existed and issued a criminal notice to appear in reference to attempting to take and or possess an American alligator without proper permit or license.


Officers Canfield and Suttles were on patrol on the HomosassaRiver when they observed a subject pulling crab traps from a kayak. An inspection of the subject found him illegally pulling commercial crab trap gear. He was cited for the violation.

Officers Suttles and Canfield were on patrol when a call came in of a deer being taken out of season. Officer Suttles proceeded to the home of the suspect where he found the suspect actively skinning the deer in the yard. Officer Canfield arrived to assist and the subject was cited for taking deer during a closed season.

Officers Reid and Ulrich were on water patrol in MasonCreek when they responded to a call regarding a jet-ski accident on the HomosassaRiver. When they arrived on the scene they found the injured individual who was showing signs of intoxication along with a possible back injury. The officers transported the individual to the local boat ramp for the waiting Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel. A blood sample of the individual found that he had a blood alcohol level of .22. Charges are pending.


Lieutenant Arkin was checking fishing licenses of several subjects crabbing at the Lighthouse Marina Boat Ramp and the Cedar River in Jacksonville when he observed that two of the subjects did not have a saltwater shoreline fishing license. A male and female subjects who were fishing had active felony warrants issued by the Clay and Bradford County Sheriffs’ Offices for leaving the scene of an accident with injuries, allowing an unlicensed driver to drive, dealing in stolen property and fraud. The male subject gave Lieutenant Arkin a fictitious name and incorrect date of birth. Lieutenant. Arkin additionally charged the male with resisting without violence. Both subjects were transported to the DuvalCountyPre-TrialDetentionCenter. Investigator Terrones assisted Lieutenant Arkin with the stop and the jail dockets.



Officer Spoede responded to a May Day call over VHF 16. A 31’ Sea Ray reported a boat fire with 2 people onboard offshore from Ft Myers Beach. Officer Spoede located the vessel which had white smoke coming from the engine compartment. The two occupants were safely transferred to his patrol vessel and transported to shore. They did not require medical attention. The vessel was towed to a local marina for inspection. The investigation into the cause is ongoing.


Officers Pulaski, Beckman, Williams and Czarnota conducted a detail targeting commercial shrimp vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. During a fisheries inspection, Officers Beckman and Czarnota noticed a bucket containing bay scallops on board a vessel. The captain of the vessel stated he used the scallops to count his shrimp; however, the deckhand stated she was going to “take them home to eat”. The captain was charged for illegal method and possession of scallops in a closed area.

Officer Pulaski was conducting boating safety and fishery inspections of inbound vessels on the PithlachascoteeRiver. Officer Pulaski noticed a vessel violating the idle speed zone and made contact with the operator. He educated the operator on the speed zone and conducted a boating safety inspection. During the inspection, Officer Pulaski noticed several indicators of impairment and requested the operator submit to Standardized Field Sobriety Tasks (SFST). The subject performed poorly on the SFST’s and was subsequently arrested for boating under the influence. The subject later provided a sample of his breath which registered .096/.088. BAC

Officer Williams was on land patrol in the New Port Richey area conducting random boating safety and resource inspections. Officer Williams observed an individual fishing from the bank into a freshwater pond. A resource inspection revealed the individual was in possession of three undersized black bass and he did not have a valid fishing license. Officer Williams issued the individual a citation for the undersized bass and a warning for the license violation. The bass were seized as evidence.


Officer’s Young and Adams participated in a detail targeting illegal activity during the 2015 Statewide Alligator Harvest. Officer’s Young and Adams were patrolling the south end of MarionCreek near LakeMarion in PolkCounty. Upon conducting a vessel stop, Officer’s Young and Adams discovered an untagged alligator onboard. Officer Young issued the permittee a notice to appear for failing to tag the alligator.



Officer’s Coker and Albert were on water patrol in the Dania Cut Off canal area.   They observed a vessel on plane in violation of the manatee zone. Officer Coker initiated a vessel stop and compiled information. With all information gathered, Officer Coker placed the operator under arrest for an active warrant out of Lee County Florida. Officer Coker transported the individual to JohnLloydState Park and met Officer’s Delatorre and Strader. These officers took custody of the individual and transported him to the Broward County Jail.

In the early morning hours Officer Brock responded to the end of Loxahatchee Road in West Parkland, due to a request for assistance from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Officer Brock arrived on scene and took information from the Officers of the USFWS. With this information gathered and field sobriety tasks completed, Officer Brock placed one individual under arrest for driving under the influence. Officer Brock transported the individual to the Broward County BAT facility for breath testing. After completion there, the individual was transported to the Broward County Jail without incident.

Officer Vacin was on patrol at the 15th Street Boat Ramp in Ft.Lauderdale. He contacted an individual and requested to see his licenses since he was selling fish. The individual said they were at home. Upon a computer check of the individual, he did have a saltwater products and saltwater retail licenses, but they were both expired. Officer Vacin issued the individual a notice to appear for no valid licenses to sell saltwater products. 

Officer Warne was on patrol in the Holeyland Wildlife Management Area (WMA). He stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. After a brief inspection, a handgun that was in the vehicle proved to be stolen. Officer Warne seized the weapon and the investigation is ongoing.


Officer Aswall was conducting vessel safety inspections in the JensenBeach area. While inspecting a personal watercraft, she noticed irregularities in the registration. After investigating the PWC more closely, Officer Aswall discovered the PWC was confirmed as stolen. The PWC had been stolen along with a second PWC on a tandem trailer in the City of West Palm Beach. While interviewing the operator, Officer Aswall learned he recently purchased both PWC’s and a trailer from a subject in Palm BeachCounty. Additionally, she learned the trailer was located at a nearby boat ramp and the second PWC remained at the seller’s residence for repairs. With the assistance of other officers, the trailer was located at a boat ramp along the Jensen Beach Causeway. Both the stolen PWC and trailer were seized and transported to the Jupiter office for temporary storage. Officer Aswall contacted the assigned Detective with City of West Palm Beach Police to relay the recovery information and possible location of the second PWC.  Officer Aswall issued the operator misdemeanor citations for several violations, however the facts and circumstances indicated that the operator purchased the PWC’s in good faith. The subject was cooperative with the officers and was released pending further investigation.


Investigator Bingham received information that a vessel was inbound into Jupiter Inlet carrying a large amount of lobster tails. After waiting several hours, Investigators Bingham and Wiernicki observed the vessel enter Jupiter Inlet. Investigator Wiernicki and Bingham followed the vessel to a marina and observed as it offloaded at the dock. They conducted an inspection and found the four subjects were in possession of 50 lobster tails, seven of which were undersized. The captain of the vessel was cited and charged with two misdemeanors: possession over bag limit spiny lobster and possession undersized spiny lobster. Vessels returning from the Bahamas are allowed to bring back only 10 whole lobsters per vessel.

Officer Cobo and Lieutenant Russo responded to a scuba diving accident that occurred off Jupiter Inlet.  The injured person was brought to Castaway’s docks where he was transported to St. Mary’s MedicalCenter for treatment. The injured person is expected to recover.  Officer Cobo is assisting the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office with the investigation.

Officer T. Matthews and Lieutenant Laubenberger were on patrol in WesternPalm BeachCounty in the area of STA 3 /4.  They observed a vehicle pulled off on the side of the road. Since this is a desolate area they pulled up to the vehicle for a welfare check.  There were no occupants in or around the vehicle. Officer Matthews observed two individuals inside STA 3/4. As they jumped over the barb wire fence they were contacted by the two FWC Officers. With information gathered, both individuals were cited and given a notice to appear for illegal entry into STA 3 / 4 and one of the individuals was given a citation for over the bag limit of black bass and possession of over the size limit of black bass. Both individuals’ driver licenses were suspended and both licenses were seized.  Another individual responded to the scene and drove his friends in their vehicle away.

Officer Nasworth was on land patrol in the area of LakeHarbor. He pulled in to conduct a fisheries inspections, at which time he observed two subjects standing on the left side of a silver Dodge pickup. As Officer Nasworth got closer, he observed the two subjects franticly grabbing fish and throwing them back into the water. Officer Nasworth quickly exited his patrol truck and immediately gave loud verbal commands not to throw any more fish in the water. As Officer Nasworth was giving the commands he made contact with 1 of the 2 subjects. Officer Nasworth observed the subject look directly at him then reach down to the ground, grab a fish, and proceed to throw it back into the water. Officer Nasworth issued the subject a citation and court date for Failure to Allow Inspection.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report