Milton man arrested in undercover solicitation sting

 Jorge Rafael Carias, 24, of Milton is facing multiple charges involving solicitation after being arrested in a Florida Department of Law Enforcement undercover operation. According to a FDLE arrest report, Carias is being charged with the use computer to solicit parent or guardian consent, travel to meet after using a computer to lure a child and transmitting harmful information to minors.

 In the report, the incident began July 22 when Carias began contacting an undercover officer in a series of emails and text messages.

In these messages, Carias believed he was contacting a mother of a 12-year-old girl. In the messages Carias agreed to have sex with the daughter in exchange for money, between $30 and $60. Carias also allegedly sent a picture of his genitalia to whom he believed to be the minor.

On July 28, Carias traveled to a local hotel for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity with the minor, according to FDLE. At the scene Carias met with the undercover officer whom he believed to be the parent and engaged in a discussion about sex with the 12-year-old and gave the officer forty dollars. Carias was then apprehended. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton man arrested in undercover solicitation sting