Speak Out September 19

September 14 

 Milton's Historical Society has no problem spending $3.5 million dollars of tax payer money to ensure a new bridge looks old. It has no problem ensuring a old theater stands in the middle of town continually remaining closed adding to the ‘out of business’ look for downtown Milton. Yet when it does open for 2 nights to help raise money for the Navarre Memorial it does so under a pretense of fraud. Advertising a musical event with members from different Southern Rock Bands being Molly Hatchet, ARS (Atlanta Rhythm Section) and Georgia Satellites. This ‘all-star’ band played only two songs from the original bands' catalogs of songs with the rest being songs not attributed to any. The all-stars refused the crowd's request to play "Flirtin’ with Disaster" being a mainstay song of Molly Hatchet. Also ARS was not represented at all by any type of member resulting in not one ARS song. The only good thing about the event was it being for charity but I will say the $30 entry fee was promoted and collected under a fraudulent pretense. Thanks for the memory Milton Historical Society.

September 14

Hi, this is Dell in Milton to Bob Cole. If you are so against alcohol on Sunday, then every church should not serve it at the communion rail without a liquor license, food for thought.

September 14

This is Tony, a concerned citizen. Why do self-proclaimed Christians spend so much time complaining on Speak Out? There are verses in the Bible which address complaining but instead of providing them, I ask these people to dust off their Bible and search. Also, why do these people think God is not in charge or in control? I believe He is. Thanks, bye.

September 15

This is Ricky. The recent comments from Councilwoman Marilyn Jones are truly disgusting. If she wants to sit there and make baseless comments about the mayor, that’s her business, but when she’s called out about it and has an opportunity to apologize for flat-out lying, then she should apologize. I’m truly ashamed she represents our city.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out September 19