Sheriff's Office: Suspects sought for spray painting school properties

 The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the community’s assistance in finding those responsible for spray painting the school properties of both Navarre and Gulf Breeze high school’s which occurred on Thursday. According to a press release from the sheriff’s office, the department is working with the Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers program to find those responsible for the senseless acts of criminal mischief and graffiti at both schools.

 There is a reward of up to $1,000 for tips leading to the identity of the suspects of these crimes, according to the press release. Those with any useful information on this incident are encouraged to call (850) 437-STOP.     

“The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office takes pride in our community,” the press release states. “We will continue this investigation and follow up on all leads until this case is brought to resolution.”

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Sheriff's Office: Suspects sought for spray painting school properties