Commissioners select Gomillion as new administrator

Santa Rosa Commission selected Tony Gomillion, County Public Services Director since 2003, to succeed Hunter Walker as county Administrator.

Out of 68 applicants, Santa RosaCounty’s current Public Services Director, Tony Gomillion will be the county’s administrator following Hunter Walker’s last day in December. Gomillion will enter the position with 29 years already behind him in service to the county. The commissioners’ final comments before voting during Monday’s county commission meeting focused on considering an outsider, status quo, and leadership.

Before becoming the SRC Public Services Director, Gomillion was the Environmental Control Director for the county covering the landfill, recycling, and mosquito control. According to his resume, initiatives in this position included establishing and operating the recycling program, staging and disposing waste from multiple storm events, and developing a commissioned environmental enforcement staff.

Gomillion’s responsibilities grew after taking on his current role in 2003. For now, he oversees several county departments including Development Services, Emergency Management, Animal Services, and  Veteran Services. His  initiatives include items like an employee recognition program, establishing methods of surveying customers, managing budget reductions, implementing team building, and developing electronic and physical newsletters for customer education.

Several commissioners spoke about the desire to select someone who would be capable of “shaking things up” as Commissioner Jayer Williamson put it and wouldn’t come from an “entrenched bureaucracy,” Commissioner Rob Williamson’s words. However Commissioner Lynchard describe the current status with statistics from the Studer Community Institute noting a near 50,000 resident increase since 2,000, a two percent increase in the number of residents 25 and over with bachelor’s degrees, and noting the county is 61 out of 67 for per capita tax burden. Lynchard rhetorically asked, “What is the status quo?”

Both Jayer Williamson and Rob Williamson described a bias against Gomillion as he’s part of the current system. In his interview with Gomillion, Rob said he appreciated Gomillions’ interest investing in people and watching them grow. While nobody had anything negative to say about the other two candidates, Rob  said he noticed how Randall Dowling’s answers were “I did this. I made this happen.” However, Gomillion, “did his best to talk about his accomplishments but with the understanding it was a team effort. That was a big differentiating factor.”

Jayer Williamson said he was looking for someone who was “outside of the box, outside of the county.” He said while working with Economic Development Director Shannon Ogletree, he heard from many business owners and others looking to bring jobs to the county how they wish other counties were like Santa Rosa when it comes to public services. “I was initially set on looking for a reason not to vote for Tony Gomillion, but it all leads back to putting my vote today for him. He’s a man of integrity (and) high moral character.”

Commissioner Bob Cole’s comments leaned closest to another candidate, Randall Dowling. He said Dowling’s strengths matched up with what he was looking for noting his master’s degree in public administration. He said some of Gomillion’s accomplishments were aided by the current administrator but it came down to who knows Santa RosaCounty. “I don't think we need to take time for a learning curve or on-the-job training.”

Gomillion was in transit from Atlanta during the meeting Monday. By email, he issued a statement saying, “I'm humbled and appreciative for the opportunity. I look forward to connecting with all our employees as well as members of the community. We live in a great county with huge potential. In order to reach that potential, the leaders of the county, of which the Administrator is one, must share a vision that employees and the community are willing to join in together. I look forward to assisting the Board in the future vision of our community.” Thursday, the BOCC will direct staff to begin contract negotiations with the newly selected administrato

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Commissioners select Gomillion as new administrator