God still does miracles

Dear Editor,

Christians will be celebrating the greatest event ever, the birth of the savior of the world, honoring the soon coming King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Hallelujah. Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, they’re able to love all and forgive, the message of the cross at Calvary. Those who cannot should examine themselves to determine if they “be in the faith.” Born again believers from the inside out have that capacity. God’s grace equips them to execute what He requires of them. That’s why some can’t understand how the pastor forgave the burglar, murderer of his pregnant wife in Indianapolis. Many have forgiven for years. God still does miracles. He jammed the gun three times in New Orleans when a gunman tried to finish off the good Samaritan helping a woman targeted by the bad guy. The 25 year old medical student was shot in the stomach.

That’s why some don’t hesitate to proclaim the Gospel in this wicked and perverse generation. We all need to be ready to meet our Maker, especially in light of Paris, San Bernadino and random acts of radical Islamic terrorism.

God Bless us all as only He can.


Chrys Holley

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: God still does miracles