Time for politically correctness to stop in regards to terrorism

Dear Editor,

I hear politicians on both sides of the political parties defend the right of Muslins to come to our country. They do so by saying we are a country of immigrates and our morals should allow for refuges. As for that argument, I say the past immigrates were not terrorists and were not coming from known terrorist regions of the world as they are today, willing to kill Americans, Christian or not. Times change, morality changes and so should our immigration policies because of a changing world.

     How many American deaths are you willing to live with to accept these refuges? One, ten, a hundred or a thousand, what is your limit? None of those numbers reflect the already 3,000 dead 9/11 victims. Those terrorists were allowed into our country under the liberal immigration policy of Democrat President Bill Clinton, even after the WorldTradeCenter bombing. Are we not just repeating history not once but twice? What is your limit on how much money will need to be spent in tracking these people once here? I, personally, am tired of losing my rights and my pay check so other non-Americans can live a better life than most Americans are living.

     Our government and politicians can't truly vet these people so the only true safe option is a safe zone within the Middle East. The terrorists aren't being contained when our government actively brings them here. Why is it other Muslin countries won't take these people, Christians included? Most of these refuges want to live in their own country but won't fight for it, so do you really think they will fight for our country when it becomes theirs as a new citizen? I have yet seen a Muslim turn in another Muslim for having radical thoughts, so they can be watched, when they are expressed openly in the Muslim community. It is past time for Americans and our politicians to wake up and quit playing this politically correct game for political gain with American lives on our own soil!

Steven King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Time for politically correctness to stop in regards to terrorism