Expert teaches second amendment responsibility

Chief Jerry Bloechle with 42 years in law enforcement and investigations at the municipal and federal level leads Rose Morgan through a move and shoot kind of exercise as part of her Class G license training.

According to FBI statistics, this year’s gun sales was  record-setting on Black Friday. As widely reported, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System processed 185,345 requests Nov. 27. Chief Jerry Bloechle, owner and manager of Know More Investigations, LLC said he’s received more calls than before regarding his various firearms training courses.

Bloechle has 42 years of experience in law enforcement and investigations at the municipal and federal level. He served with the U.S. Air Force from 1970 to 1978. During his 20-year career, following the Air Force, with the Largo Police Department, Chief Bloechle served in all aspects of the department including trainer, firearms instructor, detective, polygraph examiner, hypnosis, technician, SWAT team member and commander, and several others finally retiring in 2000.

Today, Bloechle teaches firearms competency for a wide range of students from civilians who just want to know the basics for competent use, those applying for a  concealed weapon license, on up to armed professionals looking to enhance their skill level. Bloechle also notes his courses include thorough instruction in Florida law regarding firearms including possession and use of force.

Saturday, Bloechle was training Rose Morgan in various scenarios where she would need to use her weapons, both pistol and shotgun. She said, “I learned more from (Chief Bloechle) in the last 32 hours than the last 10 years in prison work.”

After some shoot and move work, where Morgan learned to weave in and out of cover and fire on various targets with Bloechle at her back adding stress and a time limit, she said, “It does put stress on me, but it makes me think. It keeps me on my toes. (Chief Bloechle) is an excellent instructor. Anyone would be lucky to work with him.”

Bloechle said his course lasts nine hours, with six to seven in class with a written exam covering the law, how to disassemble and clean a gun, various kinds of holsters, and more. Bloechle also offers second and third-level courses such as personal protection in the home and personal protection outside the home.

Firearms training at Know More Investigations also includes getting to know the various kinds of guns and holsters on the market. Bloechle said, “For home defense, I recommend a shotgun. It's effective, easy to teach, and you can add a light. It’s my first choice.” He also noted, with novices, he often sees them come to class with the wrong kind of gun, but will help a student learn which fits best based on handling, fit, and purpose.

Florida law on firearms, Bloechle said, is based on the U.S. Constitution’s second amendment but added, “The second amendment also comes with responsibility.”  He said, “My view is if you choose the short, minimum training, that’s all the law requires but if you decide you want your concealed carry license and believe want be competent, we provide training.”

Bloechle’s next conceal carry class will be January 16 and he only allows six students per class. Find out more at or call Bloechle at 983-8745. Know More Investigations is located at 6805 Springhill Road in Milton. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Expert teaches second amendment responsibility