Vote out RINOS and stand for the Constitution

With the latest double cross perpetrated on republican voters by the capitulating, turncoat RINO (Republican In Name Only),  Grand Old Party (GOP) Washington leadership and establishment, American conservatives and a vast majority of the GOP voters are seething with anger. In my opinion, they should be.

What I am talking about? I am talking about the passage of the 2,009 page OMNIBUS bill that fully funds Planned Parenthood, which pushes abortion and sells, for profit, fetal (babies’) organs. It also funds Obama’s push for legal status for illegal aliens and funding for bringing in hundreds of thousands of Islamic Middle Eastern and Syrian refugees who cannot be properly vetted, according to Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, against the wish of the GOP and a vast majority of voters.

I am talking about a GOP Washington establishment leadership that has capitulated and lied yet again to nullify the efforts and election victories won by the republican grass roots in the past 2 election cycles.

We were told by the GOP Washington establishment, “Give us the U.S. House and we will stop Obama.” We did to no avail. Then we  were told, “Give us the U.S. Senate and we will be able to defund and stop Obama.” We were lied to again.

Now we have Mitch McConnell, GOP majority leader of the U.S. Senate, and Paul Ryan, newly elected GOP Speaker of the House, telling us surrendering is the best we can do in a divided government. Now the word is, “We cannot stop Obama unless we have the White House.”

I say, enough is enough.

The establishment is scared to use the power bequeathed to them by the framers and founders of the constitution, the power of the purse. They should pass bills that defund Obama’s socialist, Islamic agenda and make Obama veto over and over if need be. Instead we have a spineless Washington GOP leadership that gives up at every turn. It was Ryan who said, “It was already baked into the cake.” That should not mean GOP leadership should serve that capitulation cake. They should have thrown out the cake and McConnell and Ryan should start over from scratch with a new recipe, serving us a cake representative of the Reagan republican voters’ values and principles. Ronald Reagan said, “No pastels but bold colors.”

Some people can’t understand why Donald Trump has grassroots support with many republicans, independent and conservative voters. Some are wondering how is it a constitutional non-establishment outsider like Ted Cruz is doing well in polls.

This is why. Voters are seething. They are sick and tired of unconstitutional capitulating turncoat RINOS. I am tired of a Washington establishment who does not listen to their voters and lives in the bubble of Washington D. C., but hears only the establishment ‘know it alls’ in D. C. instead.

Fortunately, U. S. Congressman Jeff Miller voted against the OMNIBUS bill. Marco Rubio, Florida Senator was on the campaign trail and not in attendance.

People are supporting modern day “Paul Reveres” of our day like Senator Jeff Sessions, Congressman Jeff Miller and Presidential Candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, who are aware the days of our great republic are growing shorter. They know with this uncontrolled federal spending and push for more socialistic policies are killing our nation.

As the chairman of the Santa Rosa County Republican Executive Committee, I talk with many people about the republican party and our elected officials and candidates. I hear from many who, like myself, are fed up and have considered leaving the party. I disagree and say we should stand and fight. We should not give in and be capitulators. We should stand and vote out the 190 establishment leadership RINOS.

I was a founder of the county’s Tea Party movement along with many others in the committee. Local grass roots advocates are beginning to turn the tide as best we can at the county and state level. We also have a good handful now in WashingtonD.C. on Capitol Hill. We didn’t get into this mess overnight. It will not be corrected overnight.

Join us and help to rid Santa Rosa County, Tallahassee, and Washington D. C. of these unconstitutional capitulation turncoat RINOS.

May God help us to restore our republic.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Vote out RINOS and stand for the Constitution