Join United Cry and pray April 9

Dear Editor,

50 or 60 years ago, governmental and community leaders respected pastor’s voices. They respected their credibility, even heeded advice given. They and the church have lost that because they have watered down being salt and light, ordained by God, failing Him. So our nation now is dysfunctional, our church responsible for the moral bankruptcy of our nation. Why? Because the church wanted to go along, get along, fearful of offending someone.

Thank God there’s good news.

Respect for the church, pastor’s voices, and Christians can regain their former respect. Three years ago, a pastor, Lewis Hogan and his wife created United, inviting 30,000 pastors, their staff and intercessory prayer partners to WashingtonD.C. to pray, repent and plead for our nation to return to God. The meeting will take place between the Lincoln Memorial and the WashingtonMonument, crossing denominational and racial lines. Alveda King is one of many speakers at this upcoming meeting on April 9. Washington is considered the founder of America, Lincoln the preserver thereof, the meeting place is quite appropriate.

When Hogan chose April 9, he didn’t realize 3 historical events also occurred on that date:

  • 1865 Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox.
  • 1906 The remarkable, God-sent Azuza Street Revival
  • 1945 Dietrich Bonfoeffer was martyred for his Christian faith.

Let’s all pray God will use April 9, 2016 to His glory in returning America to Hi. The church can again be the salt and light of the world. What God wouldn’t do if Christians prayed like Muslims. Khodir ducal, assisting Somalian workers to file for unemployment said, “Prayer is the first priority to every Muslim. We can sustain without a job, but we cannot sustain without prayer.” What a commitment.

Here’s to looking to reversing the abomination of PlannedParenthood selling baby body parts, the killing of 22 policemen in 9 days, and other tragedies. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Join United Cry and pray April 9