Speak Out February 20

February 16

This is Jesse from Pace. Yesterday afternoon, we lost another vehicle in the big old ditches on West Spencerfield road, the big concrete culverts. Over the years, there have been several wrecks, more than you can imagine. They destroy your vehicle when you go in them. What I don’t know is why can’t they build some rebar slabs to put over them that way they can use them for walkways, too. Then it wouldn’t destroy vehicles when they hit them. That’s all I’ve got to say. Thank y’all.

February 16

I want to speak a little more about West Spencerfield road in Pace. From where Fowler Drive comes to the red light on 90 it’s almost a downhill and when that road’s wet, you cannot stop. You slam on brakes and you’re in the ditch or you run over somebody. They drive absolutely too fast on it. You can go across it and you hear them accelerate trying to catch it. They just don’t care. They drive too fast any time down that road. They had a pizza man pull out and hit them in the rear end. They speed. They don’t know what slow is. Thank y’all, bye.

February 17

This is Tony the Critic in response to George. Actually, I would like to visit your church. I was raised Baptist and I have many video clip memories of all the awful things I have seen and witness at Baptist churches and I would never go to one again, so yes I would like to visit your church. Bye.

February 17

This is Kenneth. I would like to address the issue of the constitution of the united states relative to Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz says he’s a Christian but he wants to violate the law of the Constitution of the United States. Article 1 of the Constitution states that to be a rep you have to be a citizen of the United States for 7 years. To be a senator you have to be a citizen for 9 years. However, Article 2 says the following: “No person except a natural born citizen or citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible for the office of President.” Now, I don’t’ see how he can interpret this to where he is eligible to be president. If he interprets it such lets see about the Supreme Court justice he may appoint. Would that Supreme Court justice adhere to the constitution or would that Supreme Court justice have to deviate from the constitution? That’s all I have to say about this right now. I hope the people will keep in mind where his position is. Thank you.

February 17

Yes, I know nobody complains about it but Hickory Hammock Road, WardBasin, and 87 are getting so many cracks you’d think you’re riding on a rollercoaster. It bounces your vehicle. They tear it up, mess it up. They need to get somebody out there to do something with it. See what y’all can do. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out February 20