LETTER: Milton woman says vote with your Bible

Dear editor,

Were we to vote with the 22.8 percent who have no religion, according to the Pew Research Center of America, we would defy or deny God.

Proverbs 14:12 declares, “There is a way that seemeth right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.” Since our minds are renewed, and are being renewed, our choice is to vote with the Bible. The Bible is clear on issues. The government has twisted them into political issues trying to stifle preachers’ voices.

        Going with God is an exciting journey, like being on the front line. Front-line duty in God’s army is dangerous, but no “big deal” if we put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6). God has a plan for every life to prosper, not to harm. Some discover that late in life. Some don’t even know now.

        The recap of Pew’s Research Center of America’s religious makeup is interesting! Too bad pew occupiers (pun intended) for years have not yielded to sermons emphasizing the Bible’s validity to motivate them — unless, of course, dynamic messages were not proclaimed. They might have heard sermonettes instead of dynamic messages — resulting in an “Onward Christian Soldiers” zeal rather than the passive mode evident by America’s mess!

        Christians, as salt of the earth and light of the world, should vote with the Bible. So-called Christians who don’t exercise their privilege are a disgrace. On the other hand, they may be thinking, “Why should I vote when the delegates have the final word?” That disturbs me too! To think delegates might not reflect or honor the popular vote is upsetting. There could be shenanigans occurring … We should still vote.

World history records several instances where one vote made the difference like: Oliver Cromwell was given control of England; caused Charles I of England to be executed; gave America the English language instead of German; changed France from a monarchy to a republic; gave Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party; saved Andrew Johnson from being removed from office; gave Rutherford B. Hayes the U.S. presidency; and brought Texas into the Union!

        Bottom line: As a non-denominational advocate, I reiterate there is only one true God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob — AKA Yeshua Hamaschiach — who lives and reigns forevermore.

He commands we be born again (John 3:7), superseding the Pew denominational makeup. There is only one Christian Church. Jesus Christ is head of it. He’s coming again.

Vote with your Bible. Who knows better, Creator God or His createe? I can’t wait to see who God will allow to be our next president!

God bless us all, as only He can. Maranatha!



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Milton woman says vote with your Bible