BONI: New policy for speaking truth to power in Milton, Small Town USA

Milton has an estimated 9,300 residents, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Let’s face it: residents here live in Small Town USA, and small towns are known for how they treat their neighbors, even strangers.

That’s why it’s important to establish new standards for the Press Gazette’s Opinion page, encouraging readers to speak truth to the power, but recognizing the need to do so civilly and fairly.

Speak Out, letters to the editor and guest columns make the Press Gazette a destination for commentary on Santa Rosa County, particularly the Milton, Pace and Jay areas. But during an election season, it’s impossible for the newspaper to tell whether an anonymous caller who leaves a message on our Speak Out line is working for a particular local campaign. (Trust me, we regularly receive national guest columns from heavily financed lobbying groups disguised as impartial commentary; it does happen.)

Ink and newsprint aren’t cheap, and it’s impossible to verify everyone’s political affiliations, or lack thereof, for every letter writer or Speak Out caller. For this reason, we will no longer publish Speak Out comments or letters that are critical or supportive of Santa Rosa County or Florida political candidates.

This keeps everyone on a level playing field, as anyone or any group is welcome to purchase a campaign ad to express his or her views on specific candidates.

And, let’s face it, campaign speech can become heated. Is it necessary to belittle a city or county official – someone you likely see in the grocery store, at church or around town – or attack their character to make a political point?

This editor says no, it’s not. And that goes beyond politics. Going forward, this policy extends to “back-and-forth” conversations in Speak Out and letters to the editor. There’s little value in attacking an elected official or a private citizen for what he or she said in a story, a letter or a call to the Press Gazette.

So, how can you speak truth to power if you can’t “call out” another Santa Rosa County resident?

Stick to the issues. If you support Sunday alcohol sales in Milton, for instance, write about it — just leave out names. If you oppose Sunday alcohol sales in the city, again, write about the issue. Just leave out names, please.

This isn’t censorship; it’s elevating the discourse, providing a civil platform to debate issues, as opposed to people.

We will facilitate an ongoing conversation where all views are treated equally, and readers —Democrat or Republican, Independent or undecided; people of all faiths and backgrounds — can share substantive thoughts without fear of being ridiculed for doing so.

With national elections, it’s a little different. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton don’t live in Santa Rosa County; they’re under a spotlight that burns much brighter than the one cast on your friends and neighbors who serve on the city council or county commission. Our guest columnists will still write their thoughts on these presidential candidates, and we still welcome your comments on Ron Hart, Glenn Mollette and Mark Hopkins’ words. But again, please keep comments civil and substantive.

For instance, if a columnist’s take on a presidential candidate’s views on immigration seem wrongheaded to you, give facts to support your thoughts. Please don’t just call the columnist, or the candidate, a foul name and expect us to publish it.

I know people think everyone in the media loves a particular candidate and hates a particular candidate, and worse, tries to suppress thoughts that counter their own. But I can assure you that’s not the case at the Press Gazette.

The only conscious agenda I have is ensuring we elevate the discourse, and treat each other with more respect. We owe that much to our readers, and I believe you’ll enjoy a more fact-based Opinion page that doesn’t make you tense to read.

Thank you for calling into Speak Out and for writing letters on the issues you care about. Please keep doing so.

Just please keep these parameters in mind.

Thomas Boni is the Press Gazette’s editor. Reach him at

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: BONI: New policy for speaking truth to power in Milton, Small Town USA