SPEAK OUT: Why Milton is endangered, the county's 'unsightly' appearance


An article in the Press Gazette discussing the efforts to alleviate the traffic on Highway 90 quotes Randy Jorgenson concerning the fact that Milton's historic district is on the Florida Historic Trust's endangered list. Jorgenson says, “I don't know how we found our way on this list.” His statement comes amid outcries against plans to move the Fisher Hamilton Building to allow for the four-laning of Highway 90.

In my opinion, Milton's Historic District is on the FHT's endangered list because the city has done little to make the district an essential economic addition to the city. Look at Fairhope, Alabama. No agency would even suggest any action that would threaten Fairhope's historic district. It is an essential part of Fairhope’s economy and community. There are alternatives to widening Highway 90, alternatives that would serve to lessen the inconvenience of the citizens of Milton as well as preserve the historic district.

Think of what months and months of construction on Highway 90 would mean. Why not create an alternative route around the city?  And why not turn the historic district into an economic plus for the entire area. Grants are available for historic preservation. Use Fairhope, Alabama and Havana, Florida as models. Since I moved to SRC, it's been a mystery to me why the City of Milton has not taken advantage of the jewel right in front of it.


Please will someone in authority stop Asplundh from mutilating our trees. They are supposed to be trimming trees and brush away from our power lines but they are creating an unsightly mess. With the county allowing weeds, high grass, and overgrown brush to take over everywhere you look, Santa Rosa county is an embarrassment. Does anyone care about the appearance of our county? My name is Margaret and I am greatly concerned.


This is Tony the Critic in response to Raymond. I agree (that) Christians are weak. There seems to be more religious people in church than actual Christians. There is also more than one sin … No sin can be in God's presence, whether it's lying, adultery, slandering, gossiping, homosexuality.


Hey, this is Steven King. Democrats say a temporary ban on Muslims entering our country promotes terrorism. But doesn't allowing Muslims into our country allow terrorism?

Assuming both statements are correct, which would you rather endorse: promoting terrorism because of a temporary ban or allowing Americans to be killed because there is no temporary ban? 

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Why Milton is endangered, the county's 'unsightly' appearance