SPEAK OUT: Sunday alcohol sales, religious judgement

MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


Well, the Democrats are at it again, and they never let a tragedy go to waste. They want to pass this: If you are on the no-fly list, you can’t buy a gun, which makes sense as long as they have a way you get off it if you are mistakenly put on there.

None of these shootings, that I have heard of, had anything to do with a no-fly list. The guy that killed a whole lot of people in Orlando, he had been to Saudi Arabia twice. He has been investigated by the FBI twice. He worked for a security company who is licensed to carry guns.

So the no-fly list has nothing to do with that, but as soon as something happens, they put something like that out there and get people to vote for it, thinking it does have something to do with it.

Thank you, this is Bobby.


When we honor God, he will bless us — look at Chick-Fil-A. We do not need alcohol in Milton. If you have a family member injured or killed by a drunk driver, you would also say no. Go across the bridge; we need God’s blessings. Thank you. Pauline.


I just want to tell the person from the letter to the editor … because he wants to buy wine, beer, whatever liquor on Sunday, but he can’t: … I say you (should) buy it the day before and save it for Sunday. Then you don’t have to go out and buy because you are not going to get it … I am so happy you cannot buy on Sunday, and I pray to God that it never happens. Thank you, this is Maria.


This is Tony the critic here. To any gay person seeking God, I'm sure you're familiar with the self-righteous religious church-goer who returns home to play armchair judge. Also, surely you know that they will mention Sodom and Gomorrah at the drop of their judgment.

I urge you to counter with the story of the flood — turnabout is fair play. Refer to Genesis 7, where God destroyed all life, including scores of heterosexuals for their sinful ways, save Noah and his entourage.

Out of these two events, the flood is the only recorded time God regretted his creation. 

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Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Sunday alcohol sales, religious judgement