SPEAKOUT: Disobeying police, highway cleanup

MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


Hi, my name is K.J. and I have just one question for all Americans: When did it become OK to disobey police officers?

I was raised to obey and respect police officers. They are there to protect and serve all Americans. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the police officers who were taken from us while they were performing their duties.

The chief of police in Dallas said what I have been thinking for the past several years — why don’t police officers quit? They are up against terrible odds with no respect. Everyone of the big deals I have seen showed Americans fighting, running and disobeying police officers.

Before you ask, I am not a police officer or have a family member that is a police officer or friend. When did it become OK to disobey a police officers?


My name is Peter W. Washburn. As a resident of Milton since 1967, I find it appalling that we would even consider the sale of the Devil’s brew to innocent young lives. It’s a nasty habit. My preacher said it leads to stronger drinks and even drugs. Thank you.


Just wondering, when Jesus turned the water into wine, did they just throw the wine out?


Hi, my name is Barbara and I live out in the country and I noticed in lots of fields that people have planted lots of crops and they haven’t picked none of them and they are rotting on the vine — watermelons, veggies and everything.

I think it would be a good idea if these people could get a hold of somebody that feeds the homeless — like up here, we got the food pantry place in Santa Rosa County — and call them and see if they can come out and pick it for them if they are going to let it rot on the vines. That is a shame to do that.


Yeah, this is Maria. I see in the news of the group attack in Turkey and the president survived. I guess he was doing something somewhere else. He was back in time to stop the coup, and the one that is behind the coup is the cleric. He is friend with ISIS and the jihad and all of them. He lives in Pennsylvania in that beautiful house. It is like a castle, and his wife, they show on the news all of the way from Turkey. If I was President Obama I would do something about it and get him out of the country. Thank you.


This is TC. I’m calling in reference to a previous comment made by an individual saying God has judged homosexuals.

We have another verse-picker, one that picks a single verse and uses it to fit their agenda. Read the following verse. It says, “Those who do not retain God in their knowledge…”

I have been around and spoken and witnessed to more homosexuals than you probably have in your whole life, and not one has told me that they do not believe in God — and one, when he is depressed, even sleeps with the Bible. So, before you make a judgment, please continue reading the verses surrounding your agenda.

I also wanted to state the original, most damning judgments made by God upon mankind were again due to the heterosexual couple in the Garden of Eden. These being separation from God and death.

These judgments need no further explanation or supplemental reading. They stand true today. However, with separation from God being a reconcilable choice. 

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAKOUT: Disobeying police, highway cleanup