LETTER: Liars gets caught in their own lies

 Dear editor,

The Democrat National Convention did and Does Nurture Cheating! What is better? Having Bernie Sanders run as a political independent, as he is, or on the Democrat Primary ticket, where the DNC can control him? ("I don't care about your damn emails") and the outcome!

Bet Bernie cares about all the emails now! Debbie Wasserman Schultz, after her email leaks, has handed in her resignation to the Did Not Cheat Party! Hillary Clinton of the Hillary Standard Party (convicted on evidence, released by the DNC Political Party) hires Debbie before the ink is dry on her DNC resignation so she doesn't turn the party's evidence regarding the truth of the situation.

The new DNC chairwoman, Donna Brazile, stated the DNC's emails were hacked by Russia — the same Russia that didn't hack Hillary's State Department emails on her private, home-stored Internet server!


You know the thing about liars — they get caught in their own lies! What do you think America? Is there just a smidgen of corruption in the Democrat National Corruption Party?



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Liars gets caught in their own lies