LETTER: Trump chose a godly running mate

Dear editor,

A billion surplus — Wow! Trump’s choosing Pence was right on; God-orchestrated, in my opinion!

The July 15 USA Today featured Brian Eason’s article, “Five Things To Know About Pence.” I wish everybody could read it.

Raised Catholic, now a born-again evangelical, Pence idolized JFK and Martin Luther King Jr.; and identifying with — my favorite movie star growing up — Ronald Reagan’s conservatism no doubt influenced his attending law school and entering politics.

What thrills me most? “He says he is a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican in that order”; a strong proponent of religious freedom. I love his approach to governing “not by party, but by his faith, and his love of the Constitution.”


Too bad professing Christians “serving” in D.C. for years didn’t do the same. Had they, we wouldn’t have the current mess!

Pence and Trump don’t agree on everything. Praise God, they are committed to each other, willing to serve together. Why? Because of their genuine love and concern for our country and our Constitution, the latter made of none effect by this administration.

America needs this dynamic duo in Washington. Thank God for Pence!

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Trump chose a godly running mate