LETTER: Reasons not to vote for Hillary

Dear editor,

Hillary is unfit to be commander in chief. She risked our national security by mishandling classified information, period! Let’s keep the main thing, the main thing!

Cleared to handle not only top secret information, but cosmic as well. I served our country in Europe from 1948 to 1959 — because it made a difference, Hillary. I took that responsibility seriously! Hillary did not!

Clinton lied upon lies to the FBI and Americans.

So what if Trump has no experience. Neither did anyone else before entering politics. When insiders gained experience, what did they do? They’re responsible for America’s mess. Trump wouldn’t be so stupid as Obama to reveal military moves beforehand.

Obama and Hillary, “joined at the hip,” had seven-and-a-half years to fix what’s wrong with America. They failed. Obama said Hillary was “the only man or woman qualified to be president.” Wrong! That smacks of her possibly promising to appoint him to the Supreme Court — another liberal justice; God forbid. Her election ensures continuation of a third Obama term.

She says she’ll “fight for us.” She ignored pleas, betrayed our Benghazi patriots. Inexcusable! She and Obama have been “in bed” with the Muslim Brotherhood.

About Trump encouraging Putin to espionage? Baloney! Espionage has been ongoing before Trump surfaced.

Gitmo should be expanded, not emptied, as desired by the duo instrumental in America’s decline.

So 50 Republicans, former security politicians, are slamming Trump by letter stating he’s unfit for president — perfect example of sour grapes!

How tragic, some of the original candidates reneged on their promise to support the GOP nominee. Shame, shame!

What beats all for me? Hillary says she is “opposed to anyone bringing religion into politics.” If she or anyone else think politics — i.e. insiders (man) — will heal America, they’re delusional! When America returns to God, it is their only hope.

I’m encouraged. In addition to economic advisers, Trump has an Evangelical Advisory Board, among whose members are God-fearing, Christ honoring believers dependent on God! To name a few: David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress, Jentzen Franklin, Mark Burns (dynamic black CEO of Now Network), Kenneth Copeland, James Robison, and Hispanics!

Our founding fathers solved problems because they considered God — Hallelujah!

I recall when Obama, Kerry, et al. avoided comment when queried why no mention of four hostages during Iran Deal negotiations. Could be because they knew the ransom of $400 million they’re denying was a done deal!

Barry Rosen, survivor of the Iranian hostage group (1979), more or less said the current ransom issue was a repeat of ransom paid back then. Entirely plausible.

Conceivably, Hillary’s email mention of Shahram Amiri, nuclear scientist spy for America, contributed to his execution by Iran, the world’s greatest enemy! Iran, tool of Satan, dares to call America “The Great Satan.” Iran mocks us while rejoicing in our stupidity for making the deal they’re already violating.

Hillary mocks Trump for having six Steves on his committee. I say “hallelujah” — Biblical Steve was a blessing to God, a real man with guts! In my opinion, Trump is one!

We’re living in exciting times. What’s next on world’s agenda? Looking forward to God’s agenda and what’s next on His; glory to God!

God bless us all, as only He can. Maranatha.

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Reasons not to vote for Hillary