'We the people' oppose abortion, same-sex marriage

(Special to the Press Gazette)

Dear editor,

What did Trump say about Jews? I know Trump will support Israel, crucial to our destiny. America better, too!

Good riddance to Harry Reid accusing Trump of “unleashing the tide of hate!” Hatred, racism, and bigotry always will exist until hearts are changed by God! Shame on protesters and college student behavior, defying God’s decision in the election. They’re ignoring Obama and Hillary’s advice to “give Trump a chance.”

Until people are “born again” from the inside out, hatred, racism, and bigotry reign. God provided the solution to America’s ills. Being “born again” through Christ, from the inside out, results in love, harmony and the power to forgive because each esteems others better than themselves, so says God!

I ran across some stats, sources and dates unknown. Someone warned, “media most powerful source in USA, more so than powers that be in D.C. You media reps subverting our youth will have to stand before the Lord.”

The stats,  (which are) no surprise to me: 93 percent of media reps have no church affiliation; 85 percent admit they’re liberals, 40 percent admit they favor socialist government; 93 percent favor homosexuals to teach; 75 percent feel the U.S. exploits the third world; and 90 percent favor abortion and co-habitation without marriage!

Bottom line: What happens when we declare dependence on God and His Holy Bible? Miracles. Like God giving Trump, the White House, Congress, additional governors, et al., all of us a second chance to return our nation to God!

All signers of the Declaration of Dependence, upon God and His Holy Bible, praise and thank God for: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Since our Creator gave us these rights, we declare that no government has the right to take them away. Among these rights is the right to exercise our Christian beliefs as put forth in God’s Holy Bible.

We, therefore, declare that God grants life at conception and no one has the right to take that life unless it is a direct threat to the life of the mother.

Marriage was instituted by God between one man and one woman. The Lord gave only this family unit the responsibility to have children and raise them in the fear of the Lord.

We therefore respectfully reserve the right to refuse any mandate by the government that forces us to fund or support abortion. We also oppose same-sex marriage, polygamy, bestiality and all other forms of sexual perversion prohibited by Holy Scripture.

Therefore, we, the undersigned — not only as Christians but also believing we have the constitutional right as Americans to follow these time-honored Christian beliefs — commit to conducting our churches, our ministries, our businesses and personal lives in accordance with our Christian faith and choose to obey God rather than man.

I think Trump is doing a great job so far, especially saving those 1,000 Carrier jobs. 

Here’s to Trump and all Americans allowing God to have His way. His is our only hope as eschatological signs increase almost daily!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: 'We the people' oppose abortion, same-sex marriage