Time to repeal Obamacare


Dear editor,

You are going to have to pass Obamacare before you can read the 2,300 pages and the additional 11,000 pages of regulations that were not even all written yet!

For 230 years as a nation, never were We the People taxed for something we did not buy or do not own! Did new words magically appear in our Constitution that allowed this health care penalty tax? No! They magically appeared for the Supreme Court ruling! For eight years, we were lied to about keeping our plans, our doctors, and told it was working fine, just like the economy.

Never once did Democrats offer to fix what they alone created. Not until this year's election did Democrats admit Obamacare wasn't working as planned.

Now, if Republicans repeal and replace it and break it, it's theirs to fix. Well, if it's Republicans’ to fix, why don't Democrats shut up and let them fix what they admitted wasn't working?

The funniest part is the second half, or business half, of Obamacare was supposed to kick in after the 2012 election. But the reality is Obama postponed this business portion using an executive order, moving it to begin after this election and the end of his second term.

That was Obama's fix for the second half of Obamacare: Let someone else deal with it. So why won't Obama keep his mouth shut and let what he wanted to happen happen? Someone else will fix it!

Obama's legacy, Americans suffering, mirrors the veterans' unfixed healthcare system!

If starting with a Chevette frame, you can't build a Corvette car!

Repeal it.



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Time to repeal Obamacare