Thoughts on Obama's anti-Israel resolution

Dear editor,

For years, many have advocated for America to get out of the U.N. One good reason is America’s been footing most of the bill.

Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz have a better reason. They’re proposing legislation to do just that unless the U.N. reverses the shameful anti-Israel resolution President Obama and his administration endorsed or possibly even instigated.

What a despicable legacy to leave, flouting Creator God, who knows better than the createe. The Almighty keeps His promises! Will man and the nations ever learn it’s better to obey God than man? Genesis 12:3 declares God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who don’t.

It was good to hear Graham say he’ll support Trump, transcending their prior differences.

I pray Trump’s choices for his cabinet will be approved, that those who gave Obama that courtesy will reciprocate.

Here’s to an exciting 2017 for America, with all Americans who love our country putting her first!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Thoughts on Obama's anti-Israel resolution