SPEAK OUT: Mural not offensive; support Boyette victims


Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline, discussions on www.srpressgazette.com and its sister websites.


I do not feel sorry for Rice. I feel she was not a victim or hostage; she went willing, therefore she should face the same charges that Boyette would face if he had not taken the easy way out.

This GoFundMe page they have started for her is not right; all the money they collect (needs) to go to the families of her (alleged) victims.

Tonjua Marie Nelson


It is absolutely insane that they would paint something so absurd as sperm in the likeness of thread!

Has anyone else noticed that the masks are red and blue … I bet you a wooden nickel that they meant for it to look like the red Republicans are laughing at the sad Democrats!

Wait … that would be insane!

There are a lot of things that we should make a stink about fixing and this isn't it. Beautiful mural.

Salinda Crews-Howell


I have driven past this mural many times. (The) only thoughts that entered my mind were, “What a beautiful mural” and “I thought the symbols of art are perfect.”

I never saw anything offensive. Some people can turn anything into a dirty thought or comment!

Cheri Hunt


I was just reading in the paper Saturday. You keep seeing all these articles where they talk about places to eat (and opening) a restaurant. They want to see restaurants up and down Avalon.

There are not that many people to eat in that many restaurants.

I'd like to see a report in a year and see how much business improves in downtown Milton since they're going to pass the alcohol… I don't believe it's going to make that much difference to people (who) want to go out and eat.

I think they're getting the cart before the horse. They need to put all their efforts toward getting some business, some industry, in here. If you get industry and you pay people a good wage, they'll want to go out and eat; but if you're on minimum wage and ain't got a job or whatever, you can put all the fancy restaurants you want to and people are not going to beat the doors down to get to them.

That’s just my opinion.

Bobby Andrews


It says the school system has averaged, over the last three years, 473 additional students, with another 750 expected for this year.

Isn't this the same time period our nation faced all the illegal entry problems?

I think the Santa Rosa school district ought to release to the public who these people are and where they are coming from.

Are a large number of these people illegal immigrants?

If so, maybe the school district should sue the federal government for these additional costs. Better yet, sue the Democrat Party.

Otherwise, I support the tax, and keep lowering the property taxes as the sales tax money comes in!

Steven King


This is about the Milton High student (who) broke the school rules. The rules are made for a reason: to protect the students and the quality of the school.

If this child is allowed to break school rules, then others will follow suit and there will be chaos in the schools.

It's strange (that) Christians are not allowed to display signs on their clothes and their cars, but, like I said, rules are made for a reason; and if she breaks these rules and gets by with it, then there will be other rules that she'll try and many students will try, and the school will be in a mess.

So I pray that they will enforce the rules and keep them.

Also: For the book that (Jay High) disqualified (from its Celebrate Literacy Week), I thank God for that because students do not need trashy books in the school.

There are many others they can read and they do not need stuff that's bad for them to read. I'm surprised at the people (who) are saying it's okay.

Mary King


I was just wondering if the Electoral College is sitting back watching the show that I'm watching of Trump digging the hole to his impeachment. It's hilarious. I'm so glad that he's heading toward impeachment. Maranatha.

Frank Bealls


… Anybody (who) cannot have brunch without alcohol is definitely an alcoholic. Thank you.

Barbara Mason

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Mural not offensive; support Boyette victims