SPEAK OUT: Questioning climate change claims and judges' judgment


Recently, Multnomah County, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz (allegedly) helped Diddier Pacheco Salazara, an illegal immigrant Mexican citizen arrested for DUI, to escape I.C.E. agents by (allegedly) allowing him through her chambers and personal door exiting the courthouse.

Is that not assisting in a criminal's flight from prosecution and a criminal offense by the judge?

She is also on the board of directors of the Oregon Hispanic Bar Association. Within 24 hours, Salazara was arrested again for DUI on our streets endangering more American lives.

Where is the MADD organization in regards to this act of American betrayal?


Now retired Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided over the Casey Anthony trial recently, said he believed Casey used too much chloroform to quiet her child, Caylee, causing her death. I didn't realize that proper parenting skills allowed the use of chloroform.

And you wonder what is wrong and very sick with our judicial system and country. Fair and balanced, right?


Hey, Ron, could you do us the kind favor of responding to a couple of simple requests?

First, please do us the small favor of disproving the physics behind the blockage, absorption and re-radiation of long-wave radiation by large, active molecules such as CO2, CH4, N2O and the like, and how that blockage and re-radiation warms the troposphere in quite easily measurable amounts while cooling the stratosphere, as has been well-demonstrated for many decades.

Second, please explain how it's meaningless that that warming not only correlates quite smoothly with the steep increase in radiative-forcing CO2 in the troposphere as well as it's being mathematically and demonstrably proven that such other forcings as volcanoes, solar activity, aerosols and other niceties can't account for the same global temperature rises.

Finally, how 'bout disproving all of the easily correlated temperature measurements, such as those by NOAA, NASA, UK Met Office, the Japan Meteorological Agency, BEST and others over the past half-century or more?

Climate contrarians such as yourself would simply prefer to ignore the well-vetted and carefully analyzed science created — and thoroughly argued over, trust me — by thousands of researchers from a broad range of countries.

Many go as far as to imply that all of their work is somehow an insanely complex and conspiratorial fraud — a charge that is not only ludicrous on its face, but also more than a little insulting. And silly.

C'mon, Ron … Climate change is a problem — a real, quantifiable, demonstrable and most importantly solvable problem.

We’re smart Americans.

We’re inventive.

We’re innovative.

We can fix it.

Oh, and something else needs fixing: There's a typo in your bio, which refers to you as a "humorist." Can't be right …

Rik Myslewski


A random word generator could have produced a more coherent article, and this one is full of misstatements of fact.

"What happened to acid rain and the ozone hole"? Acid rain was solved by eliminating sulfur from coal plant emissions, which resulted in the saving of many of the remaining forests in the country.

And the ozone hole is repairing itself because chlorofluorocarbons were legislated out of existence.

The ignorance of the statement that "you have to subscribe to the following: Earth is warming for the first time" is so stupendously monumental that it is breathtaking.

Science knows well that the average temperature of the Earth has changed over the millennia.

And science knows the reasons for those changes — continental drift, the Milankovitch cycles, natural changes in CO2 levels, etc.

And science knows the reason for the actual increase in global temperatures going on today — emissions by humans.

James C. Stevens   


The U.S. made a $5 billion profit from the program that funded Solyndra.

It was one of the most successful government funding programs in history, actually. When you place a lot of bets, some of them fail; what matters is that they placed smart bets overall, and that loan program earned the government a profit, and more importantly, launched an industry which is now the No. 1 source of new jobs in the U.S.: The solar industry now employs more people than coal industry by far.

Opposing investments in renewables is shortsighted and harmful to American interests.

Stephan Orme        


It says the school system has averaged, over the last three years, 473 additional students, with another 750 expected for this year.

Isn't this the same time period our nation faced all the illegal entry problems?

I think the Santa Rosa school district ought to release to the public who these people are and where they are coming from.

Are a large number of these people illegal immigrants?

If so, maybe the school district should sue the federal government for these additional costs. Better yet, sue the Democrat Party.

Otherwise, I support the tax, and keep lowering the property taxes as the sales tax money comes in!

Steven King


This is about the Milton High student (who) broke the school rules. The rules are made for a reason: to protect the students and the quality of the school.

If this child is allowed to break school rules, then others will follow suit and there will be chaos in the schools.

It's strange (that) Christians are not allowed to display signs on their clothes and their cars, but, like I said, rules are made for a reason; and if she breaks these rules and gets by with it, then there will be other rules that she'll try and many students will try, and the school will be in a mess.

So I pray that they will enforce the rules and keep them.

Also: For the book that (Jay High) disqualified (from its Celebrate Literacy Week), I thank God for that because students do not need trashy books in the school.

There are many others they can read and they do not need stuff that's bad for them to read. I'm surprised at the people (who) are saying it's okay.

Mary King


I was just wondering if the Electoral College is sitting back watching the show that I'm watching of Trump digging the hole to his impeachment. It's hilarious. I'm so glad that he's heading toward impeachment. Maranatha.

Frank Bealls


… Anybody (who) cannot have brunch without alcohol is definitely an alcoholic. Thank you.

Barbara Mason

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Questioning climate change claims and judges' judgment