How low will Democrats go?


Dear editor,

With the Democrats’ loss of all controlling power in government comes the pouting children.

No less than 20 Democrat officials and employees pleaded the Fifth Amendment. This allowed them not to testify in front of Congress so they would not incriminate themselves.

These people came from a number of government agencies, including the IRS, which destroyed their own email evidence showing they were targeting conservative groups wanting tax-exempt status. The V.A. appointment scandal. The Hillary Clinton scandal over State Department emails stored on her personal server, then not turning all her emails over to the State Department, which was proven true when WikiLeaks released Hillary's not-turned-over emails.

Hillary's closest people, including her lawyers, BleachBit a number of her electronic devices, destroying much of the evidence.

Hillary's State Department okayed a U.S. uranium mine to be sold to a Russian company while Bill and their foundation received millions of dollars from the broker of the deal.

Sidney Blumenthal contacted numerous foreign governments as Hillary's secret talking piece while employed by the Clinton Foundation.

Barack Obama received emails for four years from Hillary labeled dot Clinton and not dot gov — knowing the information being sent or received was not secured — and said nothing.

Obama used a forged birth certificate, which explains his first executive order, which closed his personal documents to public and press scrutiny.

Attorney General Eric Holder was up for impeachment for not turning over numerous documents and lying to Congress, among many other items.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Hillary's husband, Bill, on an airport tarmac in private jets while Hillary was being investigated by the FBI of her Justice Department.

FYI, Russia did not hack the election on Election Day; they may have earlier hacked emails (whose fault was that) and released them to WikiLeaks, who later released them to the press.

Barack Obama and his administration spent $500,000 in taxpayer money, just recently, interfering with the re-election of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

During all of the above lawlessness, not one person was brought before a jury of their peers, as Democrats like to do, with police and private citizens that were not charged because a grand jury decided against it using the evidence.


Because the swamp had their hands on the controls of government, being Obama's Democrat administration.

The swamp now wants blood for their election loss and any Trump official is now a target for the Democrats' plan of stalling all government actions.

Who is it that wants America to fail in not turning it around!

How low will they go?



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: How low will Democrats go?