LETTER: Pay attention for scams

Letters to the editor

Now Hear This! Rejoice with me. “Publisher’s Clearing House” notified me I won $15 million plus $7,000 a week, and a 2019 Mercedes. SKEPTICAL? You should be. Just another scam bombarding seniors warned to hang up or don’t answer unfamiliar numbers; good advice!

Being one who never misses an opportunity, I answered. The number on caller ID was different from the one “John Peterson” gave me. After answering some questions, my asking some, he said I’d have to write a check for $4,500.00 to receive the winnings. I said, “Is this a scam?” His reply, “Yes.”

I told him, “Publisher’s Clearing House never calls winners,” warning him, “ Jesus Christ is listening to you. You will give account one day. Jesus loves you. You need Jesus.” He, et. al. always hangs up then. I reported the scam to Publisher’s Clearing House, (800-266-0303.) The PCH person chuckled saying, “They always include the Mercedes.”

Social Security scammer called Nov. 7, saying, “Suspicious activity with your number, possible compromise activity…” My caller ID showed a local number, “Milton Insurance Co.” Sam, there, said, “Mrs. Holley, Social Security never calls. It’s a scam.” I knew it! Interrupting this writing, Social Security called again, wanted the last 4 digits of my number to “help me.” I socked it to him, too!

The scariest one found on my answering machine said If I didn’t return the call, I would be arrested. If I had returned that call, after giving my spiel about Jesus, I would have said, “You’re too late. I’ve already been arrested by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World. (John 4:42.)

Thank God for our angels and the blood of Jesus which covers His own and protects them from all potential dangers! “God does not give His children the spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind.” (II Tim. 1:7) HALLELUJAH!

Beware, Seniors. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley, Milton

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Pay attention for scams