A better future for all races


Dear editor,

This is in response to Mr. Raymond Johns letter, "A failed America" published January 9.  Of course, it is Black History Month (BHM) and a good time to learn from the past and hopefully make a better future for all races. As Mr. Johns says, "God honors the truth and righteousness," so here’s my look at my truth and what God inspires me to write. 

I’ve read Johns’ letters before and dismissed them as being very prejudice against all whites and not worth my time to respond. It would be rare to change someone’s mind who’s fabricated an extreme reality, over many years, in their own mind; however, just this once, I’ll make an exception.

First of all, Johns talks about, "the evilness done to first the Indians and then the people of color (blacks)."  Most people in this area have a good portion of Indian blood in them, due to interbreeding, but are considered white. My uncles said that we too have Indian blood in our family going way back. So how can Mr. Johns paint, with a very large brush, that we’re all somehow guilty of something that happened generations ago to our ancestors? What about most white Indian descendants in this area? Mr. Johns was never a slave and today's whites were never slaveholders. It seems hypocritical to me to harbor/nourish prejudice or negativity in God’s holy mind and body. 

Mr. John’s says 98 percent of white America wants Trump’s wall to be built. According to the results of an ABC News and Washington Post poll, released Sunday morning, "42 percent of Americans support a wall. That is up from 34 percent one year ago."  Mr. Johns might want to check his sources of information and make sure that the underpinnings are not just percolating up from unreliable sources supporting his world view. 

Personally, I’ve bought and fixed up properties and rented to all races and/or lifestyles (gays). I’ve volunteered with Habitat for eight years, until my wife became disabled, and donated lots to them. One lot I donated was located up in Georgetown (not far from the skating rink in Milton) and is currently owned by a Mr. Raymond Johns. I wonder if this Raymond Johns (Habitat owner) is the same one writing these letters? If so, I’d suggest he seriously consider some personal introspection and appreciation during the BHM and perhaps focus on things which he can be thankful for by living in America. Living in America is only a dream for millions.

I could go on, but in the interest of BHM and education I think that it’s more important to acknowledge past wrongs and realize that in today’s society we’re all simply Americans, just trying to make a better life for ourselves, our children, and our neighbors.

I’m reminded of Matthew 7:5, "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

I’ve personally failed many times throughout the decades but hopefully, I've learned from my mistakes and not allowed them to consume me or blame others for my personal issues. A man reaps what he sows (Bible).

I personally want to have no regrets during my end-of-life experience and feel as though I've given more than I've taken from others. People may be able to fool all those around them but can never fool their subconscious mind. It keeps a perfect record of our actions for judgment day. I’m not judging Mr. Johns here, for his actions should only concern him in the end. I’m just giving another perspective, based on my own truth and in honor of BHM education.

Finally, consider darkness cannot erase darkness. Consider letting our lights shine in order to erase the darkness around us. Body types and different races are temporary and it's not worth being consumed within them. Only our spiritual soulfulness endures.  Blessings to all.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: A better future for all races