Milton teen missing

Aerin Marie Waldroup, left, of Milton has been missing since Jan. 28. She is 15, 5-foot-2 with brown hair and green eyes. Call 437-STOP with any information on Waldroup. The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office believes she is in the company of this man, Larry Lewis Powers, a.k.a. Marshall Powers. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

MILTON — Aerin Marie Waldroup is missing, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. The 15-year-old is approximately 5-foot-2, 120 pounds with brown hair and green eyes.

The sheriff's office believes she is in the custody of Larry Lewis Powers, also known as "Marshall Powers," 24 years old, 5-foot-6, 125 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes.

Waldroup was reported missing Jan. 28.

Both individuals were last seen in Milton and on Davis Highway in Escambia County on or about Jan. 29. The Sheriff's office believes they may be headed further west of our area.

There is currently an active warrant out for the arrest of Larry Powers for Felony charges in connection to this incident.

Anyone having information as to the whereabouts of Aerin Marie Waldroup is asked to immediately contact local Law Enforcement. Those wishing to remain anonymous can contact the Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers Program at (850) 437-STOP.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton teen missing