Another Christmas has come and gone

Dear editor,

Another Christmas has come and gone. Thanks be unto God for Jesus, the reason for the season, making it possible for all who choose to live eternally in Heaven with the Lover of our souls. He loves each one of us more than anyone else ever could. He shed His own blood for us all. He alone deserves the pre-eminence in our lives!

It’s great to have a Lord and Savior concerned about our every concern, large or small. He’ll never leave us or forsake us. His Holy Spirit, indwelling those born again (John 3:7), comforts like no one else can!

Thank God for enabling many to minister to the less fortunate in the Spirit of Christ. Reading the plethora of articles about the generosity of individuals, organizations, soup kitchens et al has been a blessing indeed! Honorable mention to those anonymous givers who, year in and year out, meet the needs of the needy. God bless them known only to God!

All glory to God for ministering to the lonely, broken families, and all experiencing sadness and sorrow.

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Another Christmas has come and gone