Republican lies about protecting the Affordable Care Act

Dear editor,

In over 70 votes since Republicans took over the House and Senate, they have tried to end the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care). They have not been able to repeal it, or to make significant inroads in the requirement that insurance companies must cover all persons with pre-existing conditions without higher premiums.

Yesterday, President Trump, campaigned on his support for the people with pre-existing conditions. But, simultaneously and quietly, Trump has directed his administration to allow insurance companies to charge more to people with Pre-Existing Conditions, and perhaps, not accept them at all. This was just revealed by the Washington Post and the New York Times yesterday.

There are now many lawsuits from states with Republican Governors, including Florida's, seeking to make the ACA unconstitutional because of the clauses that deal with Pre-existing conditions. Given the number of those lawsuits now in federal court, it can reasonably be predicted that this issue will appear on the docket of the Supreme Court in the relative near future. From writings of newly appointed Justice Bret Kavanaugh, he has established a record against the ACA and its mandates on pre-existing conditions. His vote on this can cause the removal of this protection from ACA.

If you wonder what the impact this will be, almost 40% of all Americans now are diabetic, or are pre-diabetic. Many women went through a temporary diabetic condition during pregnancy, and now have this as a pre-existing condition. Most senior citizens have one or another of several other pre-existing conditions. People who have been diagnosed with cancer have faced large medical bids for its treatment. Many cancer patients have seen medical bills in excess of $100,000, which has forced many into bankruptcy.

Our Congressman Matt Gaetz has publicly condemned ACA in the past. He appears to be waffling on it today. However, his opponent, Dr. Zimmerman, strongly supports the ACA. Rick Scott, who has opposed ACA for a long time, now appears to like pre-existing conditions.

Remember that his business has repaid several millions because of his Medicare Fraud. Scott is running against Bill Nelson in the Senate. Nelson's record of support for the protections of the ACA is monumental. Remember that as you cast your vote on November 6th

James (Jim) R. Dunn


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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Republican lies about protecting the Affordable Care Act