Setting the record straight

Dear editor,

Presley's latest attack regarding my stating that the federal government funds abortions is completely and egregiously false and not interpreted correctly from the actual words I wrote.

What I wrote was  "Planned Parenthood supports taxpayer-paid abortions-on-demand but has never delivered a live baby." Nowhere in my statement do you see any words regarding "government-funded abortions."

I will paraphrase my statement… "Planned Parenthood would like for government to fund with taxpayer money all abortions for any reason."

And why wouldn't Planned Parent want this type of payment from government? They got government payment before Title X was passed. Why can't Planned Parenthood still wish for the good ole past days-gone-by to come back or work towards that with their George Soros' "Open Society Foundation," paid-for government lobbyists?

Now, is having a baby "Planned Parenthood" if the baby is wanted by the future mother? So why doesn't "Planned Parenthood" deliver live babies for women and even the woman's mate to start families? Oh, Medicaid (government), and rightly so, does pay for abortions under the Hyde Amendment regarding rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Presley, I just vetted your statement instead of attacking your character.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Setting the record straight